Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 chocolate

"Ci Chuan, this is your first visit to Imperial City, right? I heard that when you fought against the Zerg on the battlefield a month ago, your mental power was promoted to 3s. Your future is boundless. Congratulations!"

The young man with a cropped head was wearing the uniform of the instructor of the First Military Academy of the Imperial Capital Star. Although his appearance was not very outstanding, he was full of energy when he smiled. His white teeth formed a sharp contrast with his dark complexion.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the people beside him, Gu Cichuan just said thank you lukewarmly.

But Huanzhou has long been used to the cold, withdrawn and taciturn personality of his old comrade-in-arms Gu Cichuan.

He continued to chatter as usual: "I heard that you were seriously injured. As a hero, you were approved for leave and transferred back to the Imperial Capital to recuperate for a period of time. It happened that my colleague took sick leave. Do you want to replace him as the command department for the next ten days?" Squad 1 military instructor? This job is easy and the pay is high, so you can count on it as a side job.”

Gu Cichuan just shook his head lightly: "Thank you for your kindness, but I want to rest for a while. I'm not interested in getting along with the descendants of those clans in the First Military Academy."

Huanzhou choked slightly, he always knew that Gu Cichuan didn't like the aristocratic children of the imperial capital star family, including him at the beginning.

As a descendant of Huan's family in the top ten families of the Imperial City, he went to the front line of the battlefield a few years ago, only to go back to the Imperial City to be gilded in the future. Gu Cichuan got acquainted with Yin Chong, and from then on, the three people with very different identities became good brothers.

But compared to Yin Chong, Huanzhou has always preferred to get along with Gu Cichuan.

Mr. Yin Chong gave him a smiley face, and although Gu Cichuan looked withdrawn and indifferent, after getting acquainted with him, you can know that he is a cold-faced and soft-hearted person.

After the crisis where his life was hanging by a thread, Huanzhou was resettled back to the Imperial City by his clansmen, and now he is working as a teacher in the First Military Academy. .

Compared with Gu Cichuan, who had survived life and death on the frontline Zerg battlefield, and climbed step by step in the bloody battle, Huanzhou felt ashamed. Apart from being reincarnated, he was actually inferior to Gu Cichuan in everything.

The two of them got off the suspension car and it happened to stop on a sycamore forest walkway. Huanzhou hurriedly pointed Gu Cichuan to a distant place: "Cichuan, that's where I work, the imperial capital star and even the top military academy in the entire empire." ——The First Military Academy of the Empire.”

In the distance, a huge and magnificent building rises from the ground, and surrounding it, there are countless various small buildings built on floating islands in mid-air and above the sea. Looking at it with the naked eye, there is no end in sight, as if what exists in this world is only the tip of the iceberg of the First Military Academy.

Huanzhou still refused to give up the idea of ​​recruiting Gu Cichuan: "Cichuan, the First Military Academy is huge, its area is as big as a medium-sized city on other planets, and there are various engineering and social facilities inside. Everything is there, do you want to come with me..."

"Hiss—I'm sorry." The girl who turned obliquely from nowhere, the girl who lowered her head and was concentrating on looking at her brain suddenly bumped into Gu Cichuan's arms, even bumping Huanzhou who was beside her. .

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