Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 third party

"Ning Jin? What is he doing here?"

Huanzhou's eyes widened, he suddenly seemed to remember something, touched his nose and said awkwardly: "By the way, he is Yan Yu's fiancé, they seem to be getting married soon, no wonder he came to trouble you."

Gu Cichuan's face became gloomy after hearing Ning Jin's name, and his body froze even more after hearing the word "fiancé".

"This Yan Yu looks like a human being, why is she such a scumbag? She came to seduce you even though she has a fiancé, I really saved her for nothing." Huanzhou clenched his fists with an indignant expression on his face.

"she is not."

Although Yun Cichuan had a bit of resentment and anger in his heart towards Yan Yu who suspected him before, he still subconsciously defended her in front of outsiders: "She is not, Ayu just doesn't remember anything, and she was also betrayed by these people." Deceived and deceived.”

Not long after, under the leadership of Austin, Ning Jin walked in gracefully. The Aphrodite of the Imperial Capital Star was not in vain. Almost at the moment when Ning Jin's stunning face was revealed, it seemed that even the world was lit up. for a moment.

Ning Jin glanced at Austin and Huanzhou, smiled softly, and said softly: "Mr. Gu, there is something I want to tell you alone, is that okay?"

Austin glanced at Gu Cichuan worriedly, but Gu Cichuan waved his hand: "It's okay." Then he turned his head to look at Huanzhou, and his tone was very apologetic: "Sorry, you just came and we haven't done well yet. Talk, but I do have a personal matter to deal with here."

Huanzhou shook his head carelessly: "It's okay, let's meet again next time and catch up on the old days."

After Huanzhou went out, he glanced at his brain and found that Huanyue was urging him to come to the meeting. Although he usually hates these things, he can go for a stroll if he has nothing to do.

After walking out of the escalator to the lobby on the first floor, Austin asked politely, "Mr. Huan, do you need me to send you back?"

"Ah, no, no, I drove the car myself and parked in your yard." Huanzhou waved his hands in a hurry, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a female voice.

"Austin, when will I be able to see my sister?"

Huanzhou looked over subconsciously, his eyes tightened, as if he was in a daze, he stared at the girl in front of him stupidly, the heart in his chest was like a bouncing stone, heavy, but high jump up.

The girl was born with snow-skinned and beautiful appearance, with thick black eyes and dark eyes, raised eyebrows to look at them slightly, fragrant and delicate, she is exactly the appearance of the love in Huanzhou's dream.

Olivia looked at the young man with bushy eyebrows and big eyes who looked at her stupidly, frowned with some disgust, and said coldly, "Have you seen enough?"

"Ah, hug, I'm sorry..." Huanzhou stammered, his cheeks warmed up.

Austin shook his head: "A few days ago, the situation was not clear... I'm afraid it's even worse now. I'll tell you the reason later."

"Okay." Seeing a stranger here, Olivia couldn't say anything more. She squinted and still looked at her Huanzhou without blinking, and turned her back in disgust, but even if she walked away It seemed that he could still feel a hot gaze staying on him for a long time.


This emergency meeting was held suddenly because the traces of the two kings and the suspected queen were suddenly found on a certain Zerg battlefield.

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