Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 tear mole

The planet Katras lacks resources, and most of the geological surface is almost desert Gobi. The climate is uninhabitable and high temperature all the year round. It is a veritable barren star.

Yan Yu propped her chin with one arm, and lay lazily on the leather liftable office chair. The air-conditioning wrapped around her bare arms like countless thin snakes, making people drowsy.

It is already dusk outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and through the tiny gaps in the adjacent buildings, you can see the Gobi Desert in the distance, and the sun is setting.

As the twilight moved westward and the night wind blew, a group of low-level birds and star beasts flew over the prison in groups, casting gray silhouettes. The deep crimson afterglow was reflected on the glass windows of the archives building next door, reflecting a beam of dazzling white light, which made Yan Yu blink subconsciously.

A few gray shadows that were as small as black dots suddenly fell from midair stiffly, and at the same time, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Prison, Shao Guan is still alive." Austin poked out his fair and handsome face from behind the door, "It's just that he was seriously injured."

Then Austin patted his chest with some fear, showing an expression of lingering fear.

Immediately, two deputy wardens followed Austin, a middle-aged male Alpha, and a young female Beta.

Normally, they were the ones who were in charge of Katras's affairs, but this time the Class A war criminals had such a serious issue, and Shao Guan had such an accident, they were a little afraid to make up their minds lightly.

"Shaoguan's neck was bitten into an artery by that class-A war criminal, and the whole piece of flesh was bitten to pieces. He bled profusely for a long time before he managed to stop it. He almost escaped death. His right ear was also bitten by that class-A war criminal. The high-level war criminal was bitten off alive, and the low-level medical cabin of Katras could not treat it, so it had to be temporarily moved to the next-door Cole galaxy for treatment." The middle-aged male alpha said respectfully.

Although Yan Yu was looked down upon by those big figures from the Imperial Capital Star, her identity as a direct descendant of the Yan family still dare not offend easily in the eyes of these small people in the wild star village.

Yan Yu asked puzzledly, "What's going on? Could it be that even the restraints made of ferrosilicon ore can't control this class-A war criminal?"

"He's a monster."

Austin replied angrily: "The black stone collar around his neck sealed his spiritual power, and the harness made of silicon iron ore could not break free even the king of Zerg, and he was given three times the dose of normal people's muscle relaxation agent, but this kind of thing still happened.”

Yan Yu's eyes darkened, and after a while, he asked in a low voice, "So where is this Class A war criminal locked up now?"

"He was injected with another five muscle relaxants, and is now locked in a single room on the top floor of the prison. The high-energy barrier at the door has been opened."

Austin paused, and added: "He also paid the price for the attack just now. Shao Guan's subordinates were frightened, and the attack was quite heavy."

Yan Yu was stunned: "Then he was seriously injured? Even if he is a war criminal, he must be treated, otherwise what will happen if he dies?"

A few cold sweats broke out on the forehead of the young woman Bata, and said: "He has a special status, so naturally we can't let him have an accident. But the point is, no one wants to go. He...he is really terrible...Everyone I'm afraid, if I lose my life like this..."

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