Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Lost letters

...all heard.

Yan Yu looked at Achilles, who was naked and was holding on to her trousers, his eyes were swollen and red from crying. She sighed with a headache and hung up the call.

【A Ci, I am not convenient now, I will explain to you later. 】

After Yan Yu sent the message, she shook her head resignedly.

She picked up Achilles' clothes and threw them on him vigorously, and sat back on the sofa: "You put on your clothes, otherwise people outside will see you like this, and I won't be ashamed anyway."

Achilles let go of his hand when he saw that Yan Yu was not walking outside. He responded in a low voice, put on his clothes with his head down, and then walked to Yan Yu's feet, carefully tugging at the corners of her clothes, timidly He asked timidly, "Ayu, are you not leaving?"

Yan Yu looked at him coldly: "Alpha has gold under his knees, don't you feel ashamed and ridiculous that you look like this? Get up quickly."

Achilles' emerald green eyes quickly flashed a touch of injury, his brilliant blond hair was already messed up at the moment, and his once handsome appearance like the sun god has now become haggard and bleak. With a wry smile: "As long as you don't show me such disgusted and indifferent expressions, what does alpha's self-esteem matter?"

"...Ayu, I know you are still brooding over that incident back then. I was obsessed with ghosts back then, and now I dare not ask for your forgiveness anymore." Achilles lowered his eyes and said softly.

Achilles paused, and said something he had considered for a long time: "Ayu, I was wrong, you can take revenge, I am willing to be... the next one."

His dignity and arrogance as an alpha are nothing compared to Ayu.

"I'm not interested in alpha." Yan Yu sneered, she didn't understand why Achilles thought this could be regarded as her revenge on him, did she think she was stupid, and touching him made his wish come true instead?

Let alone touching him, Yan Yu doesn't want to see him at all now: "Or to be more precise, I'm not interested in you at all, Achilles."

Achilles' face suddenly lost all color and became extremely pale. He stared at Yan Yu in a daze, and murmured her name weakly: "Ayu..."

"Don't pretend to be so innocent and pitiful now." Yan Yu's lips curled into a mocking arc: "You know what you did back then. It was you who destroyed our friendship for so many years with your own hands, Ah Karius."


"Ayu, are you feeling better today?" Achilles pushed open the door of the ward, put the large and small bags of healing liquid and medicines in his arms on the bedside cabinet, and asked with concern.

Yan Yu's eyes were dark and black, and it seemed that she didn't sleep well last night, but she still pulled herself together and smiled at Achilles: "Well, it seems to be better."

Achilles held her hand distressedly. After experiencing too many things during this period, Yan Yu lost a lot of weight, and even her wrist was so light that it seemed weightless, and her skinny bones were horribly broken: "Ayu , don’t laugh if you don’t want to laugh, I feel uncomfortable watching it.”

Yan Yu suddenly lost her smile and stared blankly at the void. After an unknown amount of time, she said softly, "Ning Jin came to look for me last night."

"Ning Jin?" Hearing this name, Achilles' expression turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "These days, Ning Jin's visits are so infrequent that I can count them on one hand. Even if his family is strictly controlled , but you need someone to accompany you most now, he is too incompetent as your fiancé..."

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