Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 Auctions

"Sister, you also sent someone there?"

Huanzhou rushed into the room, and asked loudly with anger and resentment on his face: "Why? You know that those charges are unfounded charges imposed on him by other families. I begged you to help him so many times, but now you How dare you follow other families to help evildoers? Sis, why do you act against your conscience?"

Sitting behind the desk was a charming and flirtatious woman with long and narrow peach eyes. She was Huanzhou's sister, Huanyue, who is also the current head of the Huan family, and a famous romantic woman in the imperial capital.

She is a well-known non-marriage advocate and doesn't like being bound by marriage, so she has only been in love for so many years but is unwilling to get married and have children.

Although Huan Yue has countless lovers, she is still unmarried in her thirties. But because of her beautiful appearance and her status as the Patriarch of the Huan family, there are still countless omega who stalk her, yearning for her once in a while.

Huan Yue raised her eyes and looked at Huan Zhou with a complicated look: "I know you and Gu Cichuan have been close friends for many years, I understand that you want to help him, but I can't just consider your thoughts, I have to prioritize It is the interests of the family. This time, each family sent a 4S to Katras in an attempt to get a piece of the pie, and I can’t let the Huan family fall behind.”

"Sister, I beg you, please help Ci Chuan, he has dedicated himself to the empire all these years and died, just because he is an omega, why everything has changed, how can they be killed like this... "Alpha, a rough man in Huanzhou, completely abandoned his dignity and begged bitterly.

Huanzhou's voice was a bit choked up: "It doesn't matter whether Cichuan is alpha or omega, he is my best friend."

Huan Yue shook her head helplessly: "I know you are kind and upright, if Gu Cichuan made friends like you, he wouldn't be betrayed by Yin Chong and end up like this... Actually, I don't want to treat Gu Cichuan Let alone the strength of one or two of us, even if the entire Huan family is defeated, we cannot keep him."

Huanzhou shut his mouth in a gray face.

In the face of the empire's top clan powers that have developed for hundreds of thousands of years, personal wishes are like a car with a mantis' arm and a tree with a mayfly.


Yan Yu stabilized her emotions, put on a nonchalant expression, and approached the group of "distinguished guests" from the Imperial Capital Star as if she were a prison warden.

A luxuriously dressed man quickly jumped out from the crowd, holding her shoulder in disbelief: "Xiao Yu, your mental strength has recovered?"

After seeing his face clearly, Yan Yu realized that this was her clan uncle Yan Wenming, and it was also the 4s sent by the Yan family this time.

This group of 4s had already sensed the coercion of a strange 4s-level mental power long ago, but they never expected that it would be Yan Yu, who was exiled by the Yan family when his mental power was almost completely crippled.

Yan Wenming took Yan Yu's hand in ecstasy: "Xiao Yu, when did you recover your mental strength? Why didn't you send a letter to the elders in the clan? The main reason is that you have recovered. Why are you willing to let you practice and endure hardships here? I have already sent people to welcome you back to the imperial capital. I knew that you are a lucky child with a natural appearance, and this is also the painstaking effort of the family to send you out to experience..."

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