Chapter 85 End

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Chapter 85 The main text is over

  A silver mech with a damaged appearance and a small puff of black smoke from its tail landed on the deck of the main starship. A woman in a black battle suit opened the hatch of the control room and jumped down lightly.

  "Ayu, that's great. You've come back alive. Where's Claire Latin?" Achilles and Huan Yue, who had already received the news and had been waiting for a long time, greeted her with great surprise and hurriedly asked.

  Yan Yu chuckled and said, "He's in the trunk of my mecha. Time is running out. You can bring him back to the Imperial City to start the experiment. After the starship you sent to meet the residents of the occupied area docked with me at the border, I'll be back first."

  Suddenly, Achilles smelled a faint smell of blood, and he noticed that part of Yan Yu's black combat uniform was already soaked in blood, and asked urgently with a sudden change of expression: "Ayu, are you injured?"

  Yan Yu shook her head: "Fortunately, it's not a fatal injury. Fortunately, only two kings rushed back. They cared about the queen, and they couldn't help me for a while. Just watch me run away. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll tell you where I am.”

  Achilles breathed a sigh of relief.

  "By the way, where's Ah Ci?" Yan Yu quickly asked the question she was most concerned about.

  However, when Huan Yue and Achilles heard the words, their expressions became a little complicated. The two looked at each other, but neither of them was willing to speak first.

  Yan Yu's eyes tightened, and she couldn't help trembling even when she spoke, and asked urgently, "Where is Ah Ci? What happened to him?"

  Achilles sighed softly: "Ayu, I Before I tell you, you'd better have a mental preparation first."

  He took a deep breath, and said in a shy voice: "In order to hold back the Zerg King and stay in the main battlefield, he couldn't go back, so he went to battle in person despite our dissuasion. Felix, the king of Clan A, was also seriously injured in the battle, and was attacked by Ilok of the Tianniu Clan..."

  "Now Gu Cichuan is still being rescued in the emergency room, but the military doctors three times He told us hours ago that it's best to make plans for the funeral."

  Yan Yu's body froze, and she felt that she suddenly fell into the abyss as if she had lost all her strength. The face of Achilles in front of her eyes gradually became blurred, only his lips opened and closed, but Yan Yu couldn't hear what he was saying clearly. What, the whole world in front of me became dizzy and lost all color.


  He exhaled feebly, only feeling that the slight effect of the airflow rushing through the throat was painful, and the lungs were blowing out like a worn-out bellows The ear-piercing sound made the bones of the whole body seem to be broken inch by inch, and the exposed skin seemed to be roasted in hot oil, and it seemed to be suffering from the severe pain of being bitten by thousands of insects.

  The whole body seemed to be torn apart and then randomly stitched together with rough needles and threads.

  He was locked in this small and dark place, oppressed and desperate.

  In front of him is the bottomless abyss, as if there is a bewitching voice tempting him to take a few steps forward, and he will be able to get eternal warmth and peace.

  Suddenly the baby's cry sounded in his ears, and he took a few steps back in panic, but as the baby's cry gradually disappeared, he couldn't help standing on the edge of the cliff again.

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