Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 Nanke

Gu Cichuan bit his thin lips with forbearance, even a few traces of blood oozing from his bite.

Gu Cichuan has always had the temperament of knocking out teeth and swallowing blood, even if the pain was unbearable, he also resisted making any shameful noises.

However, this wolf cub, Yan Yu, was eating meat for the first time, and he still didn't know how to restrain himself from eating meat. He asked for it again and again, and finally made Gu Cichuan uncontrollably let out a muffled groan.

It was only then that Yan Yu realized how much she had gone too far. She hugged Gu Cichuan guiltily and guiltily, and kissed him on the cheek lightly. Her black eyes were pure and innocent: "A Ci, I was wrong. I will definitely be tactful in the future." made."

He deliberately made such a look as if she was being bullied by him.

Gu Cichuan was angry and funny in his heart, but he just looked at her helplessly, his blue eyes seemed to have been soaked in the sea, and he responded softly with a strong nasal voice.

Yan Yu suddenly smiled like a cat that has stolen the fish, with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

As a young and strong alpha, Yan Yu was even more energetic at this time. She propped her chin with one hand, and watched the little strawberry she left on Gu Cichuan's neck imprinted on his honey-colored skin, her eyes sparkled Flowing, like a million hectares of Milky Way hanging low and pouring down: "When will Xiao Heipi give birth to me?"

Gu Cichuan's brows and eyes froze when he heard the words, but his eyes were full of complexity.

He said slowly, "Ayu, my genital cavity was injured, I don't know if it will damage my fertility. What if I can't give birth..."

"Don't think too much about it. Get a good check-up when you leave here. Now that medical technology is so advanced, there will be a solution." Yan Yu comforted.

Gu Cichuan's body froze, he was silent for a while, lowered his eyes and said softly: "Ayu, if I really can't give birth, you will find another oga."

Although Gu Cichuan felt suffocated and breathless when he thought of this kind of thing, he knew that this would be a real mountain between him and Yan Yu after all.

If that day really comes, Yan Yu shouldn't be blamed for this kind of thing. He is useless and can't give birth to a child, and he has no right to blame Yan Yu. This is a world where alpha is respected. It is not uncommon for a powerful alpha to marry more than one omega, and it is a common practice.

But the arrogant Gu Cichuan couldn't accept it.

Even if he has secretly loved Yan Yu for so many years, he is willing to do anything for Yan Yu, but his love does not contradict his arrogance and arrogance, and he absolutely cannot accept sharing Yan Yu with others.

Gu Cichuan paused, and his Adam's apple rolled with difficulty: "When it really comes to that time, I won't pester you, I will leave on my own initiative..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Yu blocked him firmly.

"You dare." Yan Yu stared at him pretending to be fierce: "I don't allow you to leave me half a step. You must not think too much, I don't like children the most, they are annoying to death You can give birth as long as you can, and it’s best if you can’t, anyway, I have you enough.”

Gu Cichuan was stunned when he heard the words, the corners of his eyes and the back of his ears were slowly dyed a few clusters of thin red, he bit his lip a little shyly and shamefully, lowered his head and said: "But I like children..."

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