Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 torture

"...What do you mean?" Gu Cichuan's blue eyes darkened, and he asked in a deep voice.

Yin Chong slowly showed a creepy smile: "I tell you good news, you will not die. Although you will be officially executed soon as a war criminal, you will be regarded as a rare collection after losing your citizenship. It will appear in the Kleist Underground Auction in the Imperial City three months later. You will be lucky enough to be auctioned by the heads of the major families, and then sent to each clan in order of price, to be favored by them and then to give birth descendants of their blood."

Gu Cichuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Childhood nightmares suddenly emerged from Gu Cichuan's mind. He was an orphan who grew up in the garbage planet. He didn't even have the status of a citizen of the empire.

It is full of lowly omega like him, without any basic human rights.

After the estrus came for the first time, the oga who became fertile were all kept in small and dark cages, lived on the cheapest nutrient solution, and gave birth to one baby after another with their big bellies.

Those oga were treated so cruelly, they either became sluggish, or they became crazy, and they were completely reduced to reproductive machines.

Gu Cichuan chose another way of blood to resist such a cruel fate, but he never thought that the current self would still be unable to escape.

During this period of darkness and misery when he was slandered and suppressed as a war criminal, it was revenge that supported Gu Cichuan at first, and then Yan Yu.

... But if he is to be reduced to other people's plaything and reproductive machine to survive, he would rather die.

In the previous three or four months, Shao Guan died, and immediately after Achilles came to Katras with the garrison, but there were no troublesome people, Yan Yu felt sorry for Gu Cichuan, even though he was clearly concerned Ci Chuan couldn't leave the cell on the top floor, but in fact all the restraints on him were taken off.

But now that the people from the Imperial Capital Star came, Yan Yu could only put on a show in order not to reveal his clues, and Gu Cichuan was tightly restrained by various restraints as before.

Now that Gu Cichuan's body trembled slightly, the chains on his body shook loudly, his limbs were chained, and he was so restrained that he couldn't move at all, even seeking death was a luxury.

Wait, but now he doesn't have adhesive braces in his mouth.

Yin Chong saw Gu Cichuan's complexion change, and his cheeks trembled slightly. Yin Chong immediately reacted, and made a look at the two people behind him. The two quickly opened Gu Cichuan's mouth forcefully. The action was so brutal that Gu Cichuan coughed up a few puddles of sticky blood due to choking.

"You actually tried to kill yourself by biting your tongue? It's ridiculous." Yin Chong shook his head: "Even if you bite off your tongue, we can easily save this amount of bleeding. Listen to my advice, don't try to commit suicide or abuse yourself like this The fertility machine doesn't need to speak, even if you bite off your tongue and become dumb, we won't bother to treat you. If you are not honest in the future, we can only abolish your limbs as a last resort."

Gu Cichuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared coldly at Yin Chong, his blue eyes filled with thrilling indomitability and hatred.

Yin Chong took a step back subconsciously, but the two people beside him were indifferent.

They are all tuners/teachers specially sent by Kleist's Underground Auction House. The one with the yellow eyes is called Laogou, and the one with the hook nose is called Barlow.

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