Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 Alliance

Austin looked worriedly at the floating door that had been closed for a long time. Since Gu Cichuan read a letter sent by Nathaniel, he locked himself in the room for a whole day.

"Austin, how is Andreas doing?"

Austin hurriedly turned around and found Nathaniel and Flora, who were full of worries, respectfully said: "Your Highness has locked himself in the room for a whole day."

Flora couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words: "He suddenly learned that Yan Yu is this kind of person, so it's normal to be sad."

Nathaniel said in a deep voice, "I'm overwhelmed, and it's time for Andreas to wake up."

The floating door opened, but there was no one in the extravagant room. The heavy curtains blocked all the sunlight, making it as dark as a dark night.

Austin suddenly shouted: "Your Highness, the ground is cold, why are you sitting here?"

Gu Cichuan curled up in a corner of the huge room, as if the only way to make him feel safe.

Ever since he was slandered and suppressed as a criminal in the empire, whether he stayed in Katras or came to the Federation, Gu Cichuan never cut his hair again.

Although his hair is not short anymore, Gu Cichuan never cut it again for a reason.

Scattered white long hair covered most of his face, the white hair was like frost, moon and snow, and the eaves were white, dazzling.

Nathaniel looked down condescendingly and said, "Andreas, you must have learned that Yan Yu is about to marry Ning Jin."

Gu Cichuan's lifeless eyes only blinked slightly after hearing Yan Yu's name. He looked at the void expressionlessly, his eyelashes trembling slightly, like ripples in a dry well.

Flora sincerely persuaded: "Is it possible that you still want to keep this kind of scumbag child? Listen to the elder brother and elder sister's persuasion, and kill this child. From then on, the unbearable relationship with the empire Say goodbye to the past."

Gu Cichuan turned a deaf ear to it, his blue eyes didn't have any focal length, like a broken rag doll, his eyes were dull and lifeless, but it seemed that he was looking at the distance beyond the light years through the vast galaxy of the universe .

Even Austin looked at Gu Cichuan's haggard and desperate appearance, and couldn't help persuading him beyond his identity: "Your Highness, although I don't think Yan Yu is a playful person, since she chose Ning Jin, she must have her too." The reason. After all, you and Yan Yu are in two opposing positions, it is impossible after all, why do you torture yourself so much..."

That's why Nathaniel and Flora repeatedly persuaded Gu Cichuan to have a miscarriage, and asked him to choose a powerful Alpha from the Federation to get married as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether Yan Yu cheated or not, he is the prince of the federation, and Yan Yu is a dignitary of the empire, so it is absolutely impossible for them to be together.

Nathaniel couldn't take it anymore, and waved his hands angrily: "I really can't stand your half-dead look, what's so good about Yan Yu, did she feed you the ecstasy soup? She has become so obsessed and obsessed? You have to beat this child today." The strong soldier behind heard the order and stepped forward a few steps, and seemed to force Gu Cichuan to stand up.

"Be careful, don't hurt His Highness!" Austin yelled in a panic, but before he finished speaking, he saw several tall and burly soldiers rolling to the ground without any strength to fight back.

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