Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 touch head

"...I warn you, don't meddle in Gu Cichuan's affairs, otherwise you can't bear the consequences of endangering your life."

Yan Yu raised her eyes suddenly, causing Shao Guan to take a step back subconsciously, holding her breath and making a defensive movement, but she frowned and asked impatiently, "What did you just say?"

Dare he say a lot of warnings and threats just now, but Yan Yu didn't listen at all?

Shao Guan widened his eyes angrily and was about to say something, but Yan Yu interrupted him coldly against the door: "Katlas's medical condition is not good, and Gu Cichuan's leg needs to be treated in Cole Galaxy. I want to Apply for medical parole for him.”

"Don't even think about it."

Shao Guan snorted coldly, raised his optical brain, and showed Yan Yu the source of the signal on the optical screen: "Admiral Yin is kind, he asked me to simply heal Gu Cichuan for a while, but Gu Cichuan A serious prisoner with a dangerous level like Cichuan must not leave Katras half a step away, otherwise..."

"Strangle immediately."

A dark blue signal source is constantly beating on the light screen, and the map is showing the coordinates of Kotlas. Obviously, this signal source represents Gu Cichuan.

It turned out that the collar on Gu Cichuan's neck, which was locked by the iris and could not be removed, not only had the effect of sealing the spiritual power, but also had a miniature nano-bomb installed.

The federal mission came to visit, and they imprisoned Gu Cichuan in Katlas, the most remote place in the empire's star field, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears. When Chuan tried to escape from prison or when the situation was out of control, they could still hold Gu Cichuan's life in their hands.

Yan Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this, but Shao Guan was facing her, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up like a victor's posture.



Yan Yu looked up in a daze, only to realize that Gu Cichuan's clear blue eyes were staring at her. His blue eyes were so clear that her blurry reflection could even be reflected in his eyes.

Gu Cichuan pursed his lips, but his serious brows and eyes were full of concern, and he asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"

After Yan Yu dragged Shao Guan out, Gu Cichuan was on the way back from the infirmary after surgery, she looked a little out of her mind.

"It's nothing." Yan Yu shook her head, tricked herself into a smile, and looked like she didn't want to say much.

Yan Yu pushed Gu Cichuan's wheelchair into the prison cell on the top floor, and the high-energy barrier soon lit up again, and the sound of the electric current buzzing was like countless flying insects flapping its wings, which disturbed her for no reason.

She wanted to help the disabled Gu Cichuan to sit back on the bed as before, but Gu Cichuan subconsciously brushed her arm away. Seeing Yan Yu's stunned eyes, he just lowered his blue eyes stubbornly, and he didn't mind at all. Wishing to show weakness in front of Yan Yu, she only said in a low voice with determination, "I can do it myself."

Although Gu Cichuan moved from the bed to the wheelchair with one arm, the wheelchair was placed next to the bed, and the bed was much higher than the wheelchair, so he almost crashed into the wheelchair.

But now the wheelchair is at least two or three steps away from the bedside, and Gu Cichuan propped up his upper body with his arms, his knuckles turning white. The knees of his legs were useless, so that the lower legs were completely useless. He wanted to help the wheelchair to get up and use his strength to pass, but unexpectedly when he got up, he used too much force and the wheelchair slipped away. While spinning around, he thought that he would fall directly on the cold and hard ground, but he unexpectedly fell into a soft and warm chest.

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