Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 Yin Fuquan can't help but miss you.

"Yan Yu, why didn't you come to Yinfuquan today?" Huan Yue's voice sounded from the light brain.

  Yan Yu rubbed the center of her brows: "It's all just for entertainment, it's boring. What's more, Ning Yulong has been pestering me for the past few days because of Ning Jin and I retiring, which is very annoying."

  Huan Yue was silent for a moment, still Couldn't help asking with concern: "Then the in-law relationship between the Yan family and the Ning family... After all, Ning Yulong is so anxious about getting married for the sake of peace of mind."

  Huan Yue's heart sank as she spoke, she didn't know about this Will this matter affect the cooperation between the four families?

  "Don't worry, we have been firmly tied to a rope. We will be prosperous together, and we will be damaged together." Yan Yu said lightly.

  So even though she resents Ning Jin, Ning Yulong, and Achilles' deceit, their covenant must continue.

  Huan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Are you really willing to part with Ning Jin, a peerless beauty? It's because..." Huan Yue suddenly lowered her voice: "Is Gu Cichuan? His child really belongs to you?"

  Yan Yu didn't speak.

  But in Huan Yue's heart, if Yan Yu didn't speak, it was acquiescence.

  She couldn't help but joked: "I can't see it, Gu Cichuan looks so withdrawn and abstinent, you can actually take down an Omega with such a terrifying and powerful aura, but why didn't you and him announce the relationship between you?" What about the relationship between them..."

  Huan Yue teasingly dragged out her voice: "Is he unwilling to announce it? I'm afraid it's you... I can't see it, but you are a scumbag who eats up others and refuses to take responsibility? "

  "Are you talking about yourself?" Yan Yu asked coldly.

  "What's wrong with the alpha scum, is there any alpha in the world who doesn't steal? Don't everyone like the colorful flags fluttering outside and the red flag at home?" Huan Yue retorted confidently.

  Although Huan Yue is a good friend, Yan Yu doesn't agree with her emotional philosophy, but Yan Yu can't change or interfere with other people's thoughts, Yan Yu can only explain with a headache, "Okay, don't mess around Guess, he and I are not what you think."

  "What the hell is that, can't you tell me clearly?" Yan Yu refused to say it anyway, making Huan Yue scratch her heart and liver curiously, and speculated: "Then you are here today to avoid Gu Ci. Chuan didn't come?"

  "I don't need to avoid him—he came today?" Yan Yu asked subconsciously.

  Huan Yue let out a low laugh with unknown meaning: "These dinners between the top ten families will definitely invite him as the representative of the federal mission. Why, is your heart moved? I'm waiting for you, Yinfuquan A Terrace, District 15."

  "I've said it all, I'm tired of these meaningless entertainment, so I won't come." Yan Yu hung up the light brain.

  However, an hour later, Huan Yue got her wish and saw Yan Yu who was pretending to be calm and indifferent.


  Yinfu Spring is an artificially built wetland park dedicated to the rich and powerful. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but the scenery of lakes and mountains in different seasons can be simulated in different areas. Corresponding catering, entertainment, leisure and vacation The facilities are also fully equipped.

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