Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 I want to hear you cry again.

  "Ayu..." Gu Cichuan's body After freezing, her blue eyes widened in disbelief.

  Ever since Yan Yu lost her memory, she has rarely called himself affectionately, and she has never called himself by the familiar name of little black skin again.

  A thought suddenly popped into his heart He rose, but even he couldn't believe it. "Ah Ci, I've already remembered..." Yan Yu's lips trembled, and she slowly said this sentence with all her strength.

  Cichuan stared blankly.
Looking at her, like a dead intelligent robot, or a rotten old tree, completely lost all response. He couldn't help but suspect that this scene was just a dream born of his own delusion and fantasy, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

  Yan Yu was cautious Holding up Gu Cichuan's long hair gently, Gu Cichuan's black hair, which was as heavy as thick ink, has completely turned into a head of gorgeous hair. Three thousand black hairs have turned into snow, and the frost is so white that it is dazzling.

  Yan Yu's eyes tightened, and his chest A suffocating sting spread.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yan Yu kept murmuring this word, but she felt that no matter what she said now, it was too feeble and could not offset one ten thousandth of Gu Cichuan's suffering.

  She couldn't even imagine how Gu Cichuan survived this period of time by himself?

  Whether it was the news of her death, or the news of her engagement to Ning Jin, or her strange and suspicious eyes, all of these left him bruised and bruised, and he just held on to their memories with one breath.

  "That's enough, Ayu, stop talking." Gu Cichuan shook his head: "All of this is a trick of good fortune, and you didn't apologize to me. I don't want to hear this word again."

  He didn't want Yan Yu to say it to him I'm sorry, he only hoped that Yan Yu would only be able to forgive him in the future.

  Gu Cichuan's ecstasy and shock after learning that Yan Yu had recovered his memory has gradually faded like a torrent, revealing the dry cracks below, full of his long-hidden fears and worries.

  Of course, he hoped that Yan Yu would recover her memory, but if Yan Yu recovered her memory, would her feelings for Ning Jin be revived...?

  The reason why Yan Yu could divorce Ning Jin so simply was because in the eyes of losing Yan Yu, there was no difference between Gu Cichuan and Ning Jin, they were both strangers. Ning Jin lied to her and touched Yan Yu's unbearable bottom line, so she mercilessly broke off her engagement with him.

  But now Yan Yu remembered everything. Not only remembered the past between them, but also the memories with Ning Jin.

  For so many years, Yan Yu has been his lingering but ulterior concern and obsession, a honeypot that he holds tightly and refuses to let go.

  But for Yan Yu, is he just a short and absurd infatuation?

  For so many years, Ning Jin and her have been married to each other, and the friendship between childhood sweethearts is really something he can compare or even surpass?

  Gu Cichuan couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Ayu, have you really remembered everything?"

  "...All. From the moment I have memories since I was born to the present moment, all the memories are intact." Yan Yu's eyelashes trembled, and she said in a deep voice.

  Gu Cichuan unconsciously caressed his stomach with his right hand. After a moment of silence, he mustered up the courage to say: "Then, you to Ning Jin..."

  It was almost just the moment when the name came out from between Gu Cichuan's teeth. His lips were tightly blocked by Yan Yu. Gu Cichuan gave Yan Yu a nonthreatening look, but his body couldn't help but began to respond to her.

  "Gu Cichuan, he and I are over." Yan Yu said in a deep voice, "It wasn't the deceitful engagement a month ago, but four years ago, my relationship with him was completely over."

  "My partner, my lover, and the father of my child are all you and nothing more than you." Yan Yu said solemnly, and Gu Cichuan watched her mouth open and close, and his ears suddenly became extremely roaring .

  After so many years, he finally heard this sentence. Gu Cichuan wanted to laugh, but he wanted to cry even more. An unspeakable sadness and joy intertwined together, which made him feel top-heavy, as if his feet were floating on the ground, like Being in a dream is usually not real.

  Yan Yu kissed his forehead and eyes tenderly, it had nothing to do with sex, as if she wanted to comfort his pain and suffering with kisses, and smooth out and dissolve his despair and sorrow one by one..

  Gu Cichuan was always so innocent and young, his face turned red after being kissed by Yan Yu a few times, his cheeks were hot, and he whispered shyly: "Ayu, I took you to the place we once remembered. You didn't respond to many places, and I thought you couldn't remember it anymore... How did you suddenly remember it today? It's so strange..."

  Yan Yu scratched her head in embarrassment when she heard the words: "Just now I temporarily marked you At that time, I suddenly smelled your pheromone, and then our... picture popped up."

  Gu Cichuan rolled his Adam's apple with difficulty, and the roots behind his ears became red, and he was stunned but still couldn't bear it. He couldn't help asking dryly: "What picture..."

Yan Yu 's
  eyes darkened, and she raised his hot jaw with her cold fingertips: "Of course it's the picture of you crying and saying I'm good."

Thinking about it, Gu Cichuan's blue eyes and his pheromones seem to be engraved deep in her soul, even though she has forgotten everything, when the two are combined, they stimulate her like a stimulant. Regather all lost memories from the forgotten sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

  "Who is crying?" Gu Cichuan suddenly looked like a big cat that had blown its fur, and he paused. After a pause, he roared angrily again: "Yan Yu, I have seen through you, you old-fashioned, criticize, only when you do this kind of thing can stimulate you, remind you, right?!"

  The corner of Yan Yu's lips drew an arc, she looked lazy but seemed to be hiding a crisis, she licked the back of Gu Cichuan's neck with the tip of her tongue, and bit the back of Gu Cichuan's neck with the tip of her teeth, the body of the man under her suddenly twitched Trembling, breathing became heavy

  "A Ci, I want to hear you cry again."


  Yan Lang rubbed his eyes sleepily, sat up from the bed, and yawned lazily, as if he didn't know Like He Xi, Jinxi looked around in confusion.

  ……This is where?

  Why does it look like a hotel suite?

  Yan Lang's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at his changed clothes. He grabbed the hem of the clothes, his eyes gradually became moist, and he shook his head in disbelief.

  Could it be that he was...?

  "Little guy woke up? Coincidentally, I just sent someone to cook the hangover soup, you have to taste it."

  A familiar voice suddenly exploded in Yan Lang's ear.

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