Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Yan Hu

The time was reversed to an hour before the old dog died.

Austin looked at Yan Yu solemnly: "It's past eleven o'clock in the evening, and they may arrive in about an hour."

Yan Yu nodded calmly: "Okay, I've settled the final private matter."

Yan Yu walked into the inner room, and the snow ball on the sofa was curled up into a ball and was sleeping soundly. It was only three or four months old, and it had grown a lot. It used to be the size of a kitten, but now it is about the size of a big adult dog. .

Yan Yu touched its furry head with some amusement, and the sleepy Snowball unconsciously rubbed against the back of Yan Yu's hand, making a gurgling sound in his throat.

She then took out a box with a smart lock from the storage button. Inside was a nearly transparent but radiant stone, which was half the height of a person.

Inside the transparent stone, there are thousands of gossamer-like streamers swimming, shining shimmeringly at night, like a long galaxy in a miniature universe.

Yan Yu took out a cutting knife vibrating with high-frequency particles, and cut the stone into two large pieces like cutting tofu. Finally, she shook her wrist again, and dropped a piece about the size of a fist and the size of a pigeon egg. small stone.

She turned on the optical brain, and it should be late at night in the capital city of Ming Dynasty, but Achilles' communication was quickly connected, and his voice was not angry at all, but full of surprise and disbelief: "Ayu What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Achilles, I have two 5kg level nine energy stones that I will send to you. The first one is the cost of the mecha. After that, I will send a female oga back to the capital star. Her name is Yan Yun, the identity is a bit complicated, and I may need you to help me deal with it. So I left my adoptive father and Yan Yun as a guarantee of life in the latter part. You helped me a lot, and the auction of the ninth-level energy stone The commission will be my reward."

The most precious thing in the interstellar era is energy reserves. The technology of the Empire and the Federation has now developed to a high level, but they lack sufficient energy, so the war with the Zerg is still stalemate for so many years.

A small energy stone is often the core power of starships, mechs, and countless technological weapons, so the value of energy stones can be worth tens of millions of star coins.

The grades of energy stones are divided into grades one to ten. What Yan Yu is taking out now is the grade nine energy stones that she inadvertently obtained in an underground vein when she was doing a mission on a desolate star many years ago, which is extremely precious.

"Ayu, I'm really happy that I can help you, but why do you have to separate me so clearly? In the end, you still haven't forgiven me." Achilles smiled wryly, his deep voice revealing Lost and frustrated.

When he and Yan Yu were good friends in the past, Yan Yu's things belonged to him, and his things belonged to Yan Yu.

But now every time Yan Yu asks him to do something, she immediately wants to mention the reward. She is afraid that she owes him something. This kind of polite alienation is what clearly tells Achilles that he and Yan Yu will never go back.

Yan Yu was silent for a while, she was about to die, and the once strong hatred in the face of life and death became pale and ethereal: "I don't hate you anymore, Achilles, if you really feel that you owe me, you will never lose me in the future." Just help me take care of my adoptive father and Xiaoyun."

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