Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Lynching

[This chapter is abusive, but the wounds on the back of the hero will be healed. 】

"What, Gu Cichuan was lynched by Shao Guan? He may even be permanently disabled?"

Yan Yu's face turned extremely ugly almost instantly, she stopped talking and walked out quickly.

Austin followed her side step by step, while putting on Yan Yu's uniform jacket for her, and then fastened the buttons.

"Master Prison, I tried to stop it with my words, but Shao Guan immediately replied that he is the special envoy of the Supervision Office, and he is fully responsible for all affairs of Class A war criminals. Please let me not be troublesome." Austin followed Yan Yu behind, na na explained.

Although Yan Yu's mood is very irritable and anxious now, she still comforted her with words: "I've seen the face of that guy before, it's not your fault, it's all my fault, why I locked myself in the capsule nutrition cabin at that time, Make it impossible for you to contact me."

Almost as soon as he arrived at the prison on the top floor where Gu Cichuan was held, Yan Yu smelled a strong smell of blood.

Her face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and she no longer had the sloppy look she had in the past. The prison guards who came to greet her were too scared to say anything, and quickly opened the high-energy barrier outside Gu Cichuan's cell.

Shao Guan, who was in the innermost cell, heard the footsteps of military boots behind him, and cursed angrily without turning his head: "Didn't I say don't bother me, get off!"

"Colonel Shao, you are really a great official."

The female voice was very sarcasm, and it was not good to hear it.

Shao Guan suddenly turned his head back, and nodded at her with a smile on his face: "So it's Warden Yan. You haven't seen you for a few days, and you came here suddenly. What's the matter?"

His neck was still wrapped with sterile gauze made of polymer composite material. As for his right ear bitten off by Gu Cichuan, it looks intact now, but it can be clearly seen that the colors of the two ears are different. The color of the right ear is much whiter and tenderer than that of the left ear, and it looks like an artificial artificial ear that has just been transplanted.

But Yan Yu didn't feel that Shao Guan's appearance was worthy of sympathy, she just felt that he deserved it, after all, it was Shao Guan who insulted Gu Cichuan with words and whipped him first.

Yan Yu only glanced at Gu Cichuan, and felt that the blood in his whole body began to flow backwards.

Gu Cichuan was still restrained in a large font. He lowered his head, as if he had passed out. His forehead hair, which had not been repaired for a while and was too long, covered his upper half of his face and eyes, revealing only the A stern jaw.

If it weren't for his chest rising and falling slightly, he would even be as quiet as a corpse.

His prison uniform was no longer as clean and tidy as before. It was full of blood and was scratched by harsh whip marks. The exposed skin was covered with intertwined whip marks. There was not a single piece of good flesh on his whole body, and some wounds were not healed. Some of them were bleeding, and some wounds were swollen and purple. Old wounds were piled on top of new wounds, and sticky black blood was left all over the place, which was very terrifying.

And his right arm disappeared, leaving only an empty sleeve.

Gu Cichuan's legs drooped unnaturally, and the knees of both legs seemed to have been dug out alive, the skin was torn and the flesh was rotten, and even white bones could be faintly seen. The wounds were hideous and shocking.

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