Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Contract

Gu Cichuan narrowed his blue eyes, pinched Shao Guan's neck, and lifted him up like a chicken.

Even though the collar sealed his spiritual power, Gu Cichuan's physical combat power was still a terrifying existence.

Yan Yu directly ignored his problem, and after a series of beatings, the 4s-level mental power was like an insurmountable mountain, making him helpless. Yan Yu suddenly turned his head and looked away: "A Ci, Come."


"Don't... I was wrong, Master Gu, I was wrong..." The fear of death made Shao Guan tearful, his legs kicked helplessly, causing the turf to scatter dust. A pair of big hands were tightly embedded on his neck like iron clamps, and he could only feel the breath in his throat getting weaker and weaker...

Shao Guan suddenly raised his head, with cold sweat on his forehead: "What nonsense are you talking about?" If he was found out, his official career would definitely be over.

Shao Guan was holding the cage with his right hand, while his left hand was slowly reaching for the wooden storage by his side.

kill her.

However, the fingers that moved with Shao Guan's mind hadn't even touched the handle of the wooden warehouse. In the next moment, an overwhelming pressure like a boulder hit the top, and he didn't even yell out the scream that was stuffed in his throat. The whole person was pulled by a huge force and rotated in the air, and then was pressed hard on the turf, without even the strength to lift his neck.

He didn't know how Yan Yu found him. If he did something in the wilderness, without monitoring, no one would know that Yan Yu was killed by him...

Yan Yu raised his eyebrows with a half-smile, and leaned over as if he was watching the excitement: "Yo, it's only in its infancy, and it already has 3s-level mental power, but no matter how it looks, it's almost tortured by you— —”

"A storm of meteorite fragments broke out on the official star path of Katras a few hours ago, and the starship you were waiting for will not come. This turmoil in the herd is probably all because of the star beast you are holding in your hand."

Yan Yu stomped on his chest fiercely with his boots, Shao Guan hummed in pain, his eyes were full of shock, and asked in disbelief: "How is it possible? You...Your mental power has recovered?"

The cub's eyes were already covered with scarred blood and could not be opened. It struggled to open its eyes, and the ups and downs of breathing from its round belly were so weak that it almost disappeared.

Yan Yu still couldn't bear it in her heart. Although she didn't expect anything in her heart, she still asked: "Are you willing to sign a contract with me? After we first formed the contract, our spiritual power will be shared, and the excess energy will be transferred into your body. Your condition will be much better, at least you can get out of the near-death state."

In the end, Gu Cichuan simply broke his neck, and with a crisp sound of bones breaking, a limp corpse was dropped by Gu Cichuan.

"It's so easy to give him a good time?" Yan Yu looked at Gu Cichuan with some dissatisfaction: "He treated you so well back then, why didn't you let him suffer more?"

Gu Cichuan lowered his eyes: "Just take revenge, I don't have to become the same person as him."

Yan Yu walked to the side of the cage, reached out and opened the lock to pick up the little guy curled up inside. The cub subconsciously wanted to bite, but it was too weak, and the deciduous teeth bit the back of Yan Yu's hand as if it were tickling.

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