Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 Gu Cichuan, a virtuous cook and a good father

Yan Yu slowly opened her eyes, the glass chandelier on the ceiling reflected the warm orange light, and the orange light shattered in her black eyes.

  "Are you awake?" Austin was gulping water from a water glass, and hurriedly sat down beside her bed: "Are you feeling better?" And the sleepy Snowball under the bed suddenly became excited, and swiped his tail, He hurriedly moved his furry head to Yan Yu's side.

  Yan Yu nodded slightly, touched Xueqiu's head, sat up with some difficulty propping up her upper body, parted her lips and tried a few times before making a sound, a little hoarse: "Where is Ah Ci?"

  She woke up briefly yesterday After a while, Gu Cichuan seemed to be sitting next to her. She took Gu Cichuan's hand and said a few words to him in a daze, then fell asleep again.

  "His Royal Highness kept watch over you for three days and three nights without sleep. Yesterday, after you woke up once, the doctor said that your life was basically out of danger." Austin explained.

  "Ah Ci is pregnant and has stayed with me for so long..." Yan Yu glanced at Austin slightly reproachfully: "Why didn't you persuade him? Is he going to rest now?"

  Yan Yu paused , suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his expression became strange: "Austin, your mouth...why is it swollen like this? And Xueqiu, why does it look not in a good mood?"

  Xueqiu has always been tempered . Lively and active, but for some reason today he looks listless, as if he has been discouraged.

  Austin's lips were red and swollen and shiny. The young man who was originally pretty and handsome suddenly turned into a sausage mouth. He wanted to cry without tears: "Isn't it because we tried the food made by His Highness just now... ..."

  Yan Yu was stunned: "A Ci, he didn't close his eyes for several days and nights, why didn't he take a good rest, instead he suddenly thought of cooking?"

  Austin said with a mournful face: "Yesterday the doctor said you were out of danger, Your Highness Only then did I feel relieved, and I advised him to rest with peace of mind, but he didn't listen to me at all, saying that he wanted to cook you a meal with his own hands."

  "Uh... Ah Ci, can he cook?" Yan Yu's expression changed It must be somewhat indescribably complicated.

  She couldn't help but think of the way Gu Cichuan used to tear up the Zerg with his hands on the battlefield and unscrew the Zerg's head directly, and couldn't help shivering.

  Yan Yu recalled it carefully again, as if she had never seen Gu Cichuan cooking, and she couldn't imagine Gu Cichuan wearing an apron, cooking like a virtuous and virtuous person.

  "He won't, not at all." Austin said with a sad face: "Your Highness started to learn yesterday, otherwise, why do you think my mouth is swollen?"

  Yan Yu rubbed her forehead with some headaches, and said helplessly: "Austin , go and persuade him..." But before she finished speaking, Austin's optical brain suddenly rang, and after Austin clicked on the communication to answer it, his expression suddenly became extremely shocked and strange.

  "What's wrong?" Yan Yu asked curiously.

  "Someone reported to me that His Highness blew up the kitchen just now." Austin looked hopeless.

  Yan Yu's scalp was numb: "Go and persuade Ah Ci, let him stop embarrassing himself, and don't make things difficult for himself."

  Austin nodded in pain, trembling under Yan Yu's dignified expression entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Struggle to go out: "Anyway, I'll go again

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