Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 extreme

"Xiaoyun, are you looking for me?" As soon as Yan Yu walked in, she was bumped into her arms by a warm body. With the sound of the girl sobbing, she wrapped her arms tightly around Yan Yu and asked in a crying voice. Said: "Sister, I'm sorry, do your hands still hurt?"

Yan Yun buried her hairy head tightly in Yan Yu's arms, and Yan Yu could even feel the warm liquid seeping into her skin through her clothes, she quickly softened her voice and comforted: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all. It hurts, and it will be fine in two days."

Only then did Yan Yun raise her small face anxiously, her red and swollen almond eyes were filled with tears, and her cheeks were stained with tears. She carefully looked at Yan Yu's bandaged right hand: "Sister, Don't blame Olivia, okay? Olivia is not bad, she just has some prejudice against alphas... Sister, don't hate me, okay?"

Suddenly, Yan Yu's eyes became a little dazed, as if the soft-spoken and coquettish person in front of her was Yan Ying. Yan Yun and Yan Ying were seven to eight points alike in appearance, but even their temperament was so similar, which made her feel in a trance, as if Yan Ying had never left.

If the father saw this child, he would probably accidentally mistake her for Aying.

Yan Yu couldn't help thinking of Ye Tingbai.

Her father raised her and Yan Ying painstakingly, but Yan Ying died young, which caused her father to suffer a severe blow and became unconscious. And because of that catastrophe, she was traumatized mentally and was exiled by her family to the Death Star of Katras, so she couldn't do her filial piety in front of her father and take care of her sick father.

Ye Tingbai is the only person Yan Yu cares about in that distant imperial capital star.

Ye Tingbai's illness has been treated for a long time in the past three years, but he has not recovered for a long time. After all, it is due to psychological factors.

A thought flashed in Yan Yu's mind.

If she took Yan Yun back to accompany Ye Tingbai for a while, would his madness get better?

But Yan Yu suddenly felt uneasy again, as if all the good things she did to Yan Yun had some other purpose, and she was not worthy of Yan Yun's trust and attachment to her at all.

Yan Yu fell into silence with a complicated expression, and Yan Yun couldn't help but slowly tighten his hand holding the corner of Yan Yu's clothes: "Sister, are you still angry with me?"

"I'm not's just Xiaoyun, if I help you leave Katras in the future, can you do me a favor?" Yan Yu said with difficulty.

In fact, even if Yan Yun didn't help her, Yan Yu had already made up her mind that she would never let Yan Yun be trapped in the ghostly place of Katras for the rest of her life.

"Of course." Yan Yun replied subconsciously. She paused, but she seemed to recall some bad memories. Her ruddy face suddenly faded. She asked slowly: "Sister Or tell me how to help you first?"

Yan Yu didn't want to hide anything from her, and told the whole story about her adoptive father Ye Tingbai and Yan Ying.

Yan Yun didn't expect it to be such an easy task, as if she breathed a sigh of relief, she quickly patted her chest: "It's not easy, I will definitely help uncle."

Seeing her nonchalant appearance, Yan Yu couldn't help asking: "Xiaoyun, don't you think I'm just using it for your own good?"

Yan Yun raised her eyes in a daze, and asked loudly: "But sister has never hidden anything from me? Could it be that my sister treats me well because I look like your sister? There is nothing wrong with that." Because you like me?"

"Of course not..." Yan Yu blinked and said softly. She has always known that Yan Yun and Yan Ying are very similar, but she is very clear that Yan Yun is not Yan Ying, and she has never completely regarded Yan Yun as Yan Ying's substitute. This is not fair to Yan Yun, nor is it fair to Yan Ying.

"That's it?" Yan Yun posted it again with a smile, rubbing her head like a clingy animal cub: "After I came here, I couldn't sleep well every day, but after seeing my sister, I haven't had any nightmares anymore... My sister smells so good, just like my mother..."

Yan Yu hugged Yan Yun tightly. Her entanglement these days has gradually eased, and finally became calm.

In a dark and desolate place like Katlas, not only she needs Yan Yun, but Yan Yun also needs her. People are lonely, like little stars separated by thousands of miles in the galaxy of the universe, but they meet under the guidance of fate and keep each other warm.


"Master Prison, where are you going?" Austin watched as Yan Yu put away the fruit on the dinner plate and wrapped it in kraft paper, as if he was going to the direction of the prison area where the prisoners were held.

Yan Yu replied with a righteous face: "As the warden, I know that night patrols are very important, so I went to check to see if any prisoners did not obey the rules."

Austin shook his head as if laughing: "I have been with you in Kateras for three years. When did you go out of the office except for cooking time? You just slept and fished all day long. Now you are getting more and more diligent during this period of time." I can't wait to go to the heavy prison area three times a day."

"I've become more diligent, isn't that a good thing?" Yan Yu retorted confidently, and then she hurried away as if she was afraid that Austin would ask questions again.

Seeing Yan Yu carrying the bag of kraft paper in his arms, Austin couldn't help shaking his head.

The director showed him Yan Yu's information, and over the past few years, he had a thorough understanding of Yan Yu.

Yan Yu is such an extreme person. When she wants to treat someone well, she puts that person on the top of her heart, loves and pity him, and wishes to do her best and give her everything.

But when she has a heart of stone to someone she hates, no matter how difficult it is to turn around.

Love is also decisive, and hate is also decisive.

If Yan Yu knew that he was from there...he would definitely lose the only friend in his life.


When Yan Yu walked to the cell on the top floor, the prison guard had just opened the terminal setting of the high-energy barrier to adjust a small gap, and took out the empty tube of the nutritional supplement left by Gu Cichuan.

In the chaotic and barren place of Katlas, the diet of prisoners without human rights is only a single nutrient solution. Yan Yu feels sorry for Gu Cichuan, and can't help but secretly feed him extra meals every day.

Of course Yan Yu never forgot Yan Yun, but as long as she went in and found it was Olivia, she would simply leave.

"Little Heipi." Yan Yu happily walked around the corner, and soon met a pair of blue eyes.

She hastily handed the kraft paper to Gu Cichuan's arms eagerly: "Here, I've washed it all, and I'll take the fruit out after you finish eating."

Now in such a state of forbearance and dormancy, Yan Yu can't help Gu Cichuan regain his due freedom and power under so many worries, it seems that she can only use these insignificant comforts to try her best to heal the scarred him.

She can't give much now, but she still wants to be nicer to Gu Cichuan, even better.

However, to her surprise, Gu Cichuan didn't take it, but just glanced at her indifferently, and said softly: "No need. You go, I'm going to rest."

... Gu Cichuan had never asked her to leave before.

Yan Yu couldn't help but froze, and the fingertips holding the kraft paper trembled slightly: "What's wrong with you, are you in a bad mood? You still don't feel well, and your menstrual period is coming again..."

"Yan Yu." Gu Cichuan interrupted her in a cold voice: "You are a busy person, you are busy with so many people you care about all day long, and you can't even turn around, so don't waste your time on me."

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