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Honey juice leaflets, in addition to the slogan, also need to write the price, taste description and other text.

Shen Wanyao buried her head at the desk and wrote several leaflets earnestly.

The honey juice business this time is very different from the last time.

The guest who drank the honey juice last time will do strange things to him...

This time, Shen Wanyao learned his lesson.

He adopts a long-distance sales model. If someone reads the leaflet and wants to buy honey juice, Pigeon will send the other party's address and money to him.

According to the needs of the guests, after producing the honey juice, he asked the homing pigeons to deliver the packaged honey juice to the other party.

Like online shopping in the modern world.

The guests will not have contact with him throughout the whole process, they don't know what he looks like, let alone know that he is the son of God, they can only taste his honey.

Shen Wanyao felt that her small business was becoming more and more perfect.

He could imagine that he borrowed this small business to become a wealthy little boss, raised his cubs, and had spare money to repair the graves of his two deceased husbands.

The fly in the ointment is that it will be harder for him to produce honey juice, and it will be troublesome to have a few more homing pigeons.

Shen Wanyao packed the written leaflets and handed them to the long-awaited carrier pigeons.

"Little Gugu, thank you for distributing these leaflets to crowded places."

The little carrier pigeon nodded its head, and the little red peck picked up the flyer, flapped its wings and flew away.

Of course it is willing to help the little Shengzi, and will make the little Shengzi's small business have many, many customers.


A day later, Shen Wanyao didn't wait for the little pigeon to come back. He heard that the little pigeon was too cooing and did things slowly.

Instead he waited for news of the priest's arrival.

After he finished his supper, he was going to meet the priest.

Before meeting, the servants changed Shen Wanyao into formal clothes.

The formal attire is a robe, pure white, with gold embroidered edges, no fabric on the back, and only a thin fabric covering the lower body until the waist.

Shen Wanyao's back and wings were fully exposed.

His back is beautiful, with snow-white skin, exquisite butterfly bones, light pink skin from the wings that wind out, a sunken spine hook in the center of the back, and a round and lovely waist.

There are only two pieces of cloth on the lower body of the robe, which can cover the front and back of the legs, but the sides are not covered by cloth, so it is easy to be seen.

Shen Wanyao could only wear stockings to cover her legs, so that from the side, she could only see a pair of long legs wrapped in white silk.

He is not used to wearing this strange holy child clothes.

He looked at the maid who changed his clothes: "Sister, can I wear everyday clothes?"

The maid explained: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the priest who taught you has a very high status, and the Holy See specially ordered you to wear formal clothes..."

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