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Shen Wanyao retreated to the corner. Unable to retreat any further, he could only watch the attack system approaching.


Cheng Gong System pinched his paw and squeezed it tighter and tighter.

Unknowingly, he and Cheng Gong System walked to the CP-free system area.

No CP is relatively unpopular. There are many fewer systems in this area, so I didn’t see the overwhelming and terrifying scene.

Shen Wanyao saw many systems setting up stalls on both sides of them.

To be precise, he sets up a blind date booth and recommends his own hosts.

They are CP-free systems, and the host naturally has no love lines and no wife.

The information about their hosts was written in black and white and hung high, for fear that Shen Wanyuan would not see it.

[Find a wife for the host:

Host information: Apocalyptic superpower host, 198cm, 25cm, a virgin for eight thousand years, with large breast muscles. When he died and transformed into a zombie king, he [beep——] stood up and has remained so until now. He is a corpse. [Beep], not rancid, very hard, but cold, can be heated.

Wife requests: a little boy named Shen Wanyao. 】

【Looking for a wife for the host:

Host information: Urban black technology host, 195cmcm, 25cm, a 30,000-year-old virgin, with a flexible tongue (I saw his tongue with my own eyes, and can penetrate the lock core to open the lock)...

Wife's request: To be hacked into the system The little boy being dragged away. ]

[Find a wife for the host:

Host information: Animal host, 195cm,? ? cm, a 10,000-year-old virgin, with a tail that can be stretched, softened and solidified...]

In fact, these non-CP systems are not so kind to find a wife for the host. They want to lend it to the host to find a wife. Wan Yao was tricked into his arms.

Shen Wanyao didn't understand the sinister nature of the systems and was fooled. He watched these non-CP hosts stay single for a long time, and he was only eighteen years old and had already had many men.

He might be able to help them.

It's fun to help others.

Shen Wanyao had no idea that he looked like an enthusiastic little cat trying to feed wild dogs on the roadside. He had no idea that he would be picked up by wild dogs like this.

The system seemed to be aware of the little host's thoughts. Instead of walking home with the little host, it teleported home.


system space.

Cheng Gong System's space was decorated to look like a modern small home, and the dishes Cheng Gong System had just bought were placed on the dining table.

It returned home after shopping for groceries and found that its little host was missing, so it went out to look for the other party... As a result, it found the little host who was messing around with three systems.

Shen Wanyao was thrown into bed by Cheng Gong System.

His thin little body made a small nest in the wide and soft double bed.

Shen Wanyao was squeamish, and it hurt to be thrown away. He was very angry, looked at the system's bewildered eyes, and cursed: "What do you want to do?!"

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