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Shen Wanyao seldom cried, but he cried twice in just a few days.

His tears kept pouring out, his shoulders trembled, and his pretty face was flushed from crying, like a ball of pink glutinous rice cakes.

When the men saw the water on the ground, they immediately understood why Shen Wanyao suddenly cried.

The water is the magic liquid that Shen Wanyao just gave birth to. It has stayed in his body for a long time. It is full of his temperature and body fragrance. It is sticky, transparent and clear, and it is undoubtedly quite another thing.

After the water was born by Shen Wanyao, she kept it obediently in her trousers, but this time when Mo Fei pulled it, it all leaked out.

Such a secret thing, dripping to the ground without any cover.

Shen Wanyao was so shy, she would inevitably cry.

The culprit, Mo Fei, panicked. If he hadn't snatched Shen Wanyao from the arms of the Dark God, Shen Wanyao would not have leaked his pants.

The tall and honest hunter was at a loss for his little ex-wife who was crying badly.

In a panic, he pulled out a tissue, intending to wipe the place where Shen Wanyao had just "give birth", otherwise it would keep dripping.

With so many rivals in love, he certainly couldn't clean up Shen Wanyao's clothes without paying too much attention like when there were only the two of them in the past.

Mo Fei poked into Shen Wanyao's trousers.

After Shen Wanyao's suspenders were ruined by Poweiyi, she simply changed the suspenders and short skirts together and replaced them with short-sleeved shorts, otherwise the short skirts would be easier to clean.

Mo Fei thought that he would be able to help Shen Wanyao clean the water smoothly.

—but his hands are too rough.

He is a hunter who uses hunting axes and hunting guns all year round. His hands are dark and broad, covered with a thick layer of calluses, like the thick claws of a tiger.

And Shen Wanyao's skin is tender, especially where the pants are wrapped, the powder is white and tender, as if made of water.

After Mo Fei rubbed like this, Shen Wanyao's delicate skin couldn't take it anymore. He whimpered, feeling uncomfortable, and pushed Mo Fei away desperately: "Go, go away..."

This feeling is very similar to being wiped by the old man with a thick towel when he was two or three years old.

Mo Fei didn't know that Shen Wanyao was feeling unwell, so he continued to wipe.

He is full of muscles and has great strength. When facing the delicate and petite ex-wife, he tried very hard to control his strength.

But the strength was still very strong for Shen Wanyao, the rough hunter almost pinched the two balls and lifted Shen Wanyao.

Shen Wanyao was very light, the only thing that was heavy was the two balls, which could indeed be used as a support point, allowing Shen Wanyao to whine while hanging on his toes.

Mo Fei wiped, and suddenly felt that Shen Wanyao was crying more fiercely.

Gliding over the snow skin, the tears stained with fragrance dripped on his dark and bulging arms.

He paused, his honest face full of bewilderment.

Shen Wanyao lifted his trousers, eyes red, and scolded him: "You hurt me!"

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