There is a End in Friends (Oneshot)

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Angst I guess?
Also song one shot?
Never wrote it but here's my poor attempt to lmao
Google translates as well
Edit: Messed up on a lyric part lmao

Everyone always wants to find that special group.
That special group that makes them feel like their second family.
David had it.
He had it all.
Ever since fifth grade.
Despite their separate career paths, they still managed to find time to hangout with each other.
Whether at one of their homes or apartments or at a nearby bar.
Everything was well.
He had caring friends.
His students love him as a teacher.
His family was well and happy.

But we all know what happens to friend groups.
One by one, they leave.
But not just the growing out, moving out or being too busy type of leave.
It was something...
How should I say this?


Powiedziałem, że to nic takiego i zamknąłem usta
(I said it was nothing and shut my mouth)

Prawda jest taka, że ​​mam ochotę zatrzymać swoje nogi...
(The truth is I kind of want to stop my legs—)

Чак и тада, пошто си брзо испред мене,
Čak i tada, pošto si brzo ispred mene,
(Even then, since you straight ahead of me at a quick pace,)

буљим у то.
buljim u to.
(I'm staring at that.)

The sudden deaths of Bazyli and Dejuan shocked the group.
It happened all of a sudden.
Bazyli was the first to die as he had lost his foot hold on a cliff side.
It was as if the ground beneath him suddenly broke.
Maybe it was slippery.
But Bazyli was an expert on making sure he was secure as he often take pictures in the wild life and near cliff sides.
Although he survived the fall due to some rough landings, he died an hour later due to blood lost.
He had bashed his head too hard and his legs were all cut up from sharp bushes.
All of his bones were broken as a rib pierced his left lung according to doctors.
His phone and camera were damaged by the fall so he couldn't call for help.
His body was found a day later after a couple who were hiking in the same forest discover him after discovering a tripod pieces
When they discover him, there was an odd looking flag on him.
It was later revealed it was a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Flag.
And a dead White Eagle.
But why was it on him?
How did the white eagle die?

Dejan was seen as a person who died as a hero.
Two days after Bazyli's death, armed robbers stormed his store and threaten everyone to give them valuables such as money, phones, rings, earrings, AirPods and etc.
Everything was going smoothly until an employee managed to make contact with the phone and called the police.
One of the robbers tried shooting them but was intercepted by Dejan who was armed with a pair of scissors.
Dejan managed kill the robber in terms of self-defense but was shot, making him die from blood loss no matter what employees tried to do.
Weirdly, they found a Yugoslavian flag in his pocket.

Bazyli was always the one to take photos of the group whenever they do something.
Dejan was there to help the others with money and debt issues since he's deal with it all the time considering he was a manager of a store.

A few days later Bao-Feng got seriously sick despite his body being healthy ever since he was a baby.


Nǐ dāchéng zuìhòu yī bān hángbān.
(You get on the last flight.)

Nǐ yào líkāi wǒle, wǒ kāishǐ táopǎo.
(You're leaving me, and I start to run.)

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