Sleepless Submissive

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It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. I was wide awake. Wider than I've ever been in my life. I was sleeping in the guest room of my new Master. No, I was sleeping in the room that my Master gave to me. I was grateful for the room a space of my own in her home, in our home. She told me that this room was mine to use for privacy. She is allowing me to sleep in here until I get comfortable but soon I will be expected to join her in her room. My new Master is patient and kind and I am grateful for this courtesy. I'm still trying to register it so much has changed so fast. I went from almost moving in with 3 roommates and accepting Sir Myers as my new Dom. To moving in with my best friend and her girlfriend and finally getting the Dom I've been longing for.

I wasn't sure if it was excitement or nerves that kept me from sleeping but it felt like it was nowhere in my future. I lay there with the lights on going through the day's events touching my neck and feeling the butterflies flutter as I remember Master kissing me and the feel of her teeth biting down on my neck as she marked me. I was getting lost in a fantasy world when I heard the door open.

"Why are you awake Kajira," I heard my Master say.

I sat up in shock not expecting anybody to be awake. When I saw her my whole world stopped. My Master was standing there completely naked holding a glass of water. This was the first time I had seen her completly naked and I was stunned for a moment. She looked at me with her eyebrow raised to me. Oh no, I was staring at her.

"I'm sorry Master," I said quickly kneeling to the ground and lowering my head.

"I, I was having trouble sleeping, I was trying to remain quiet so I didn't wake anyone," I apologized.  

"It's ok Kajira, I'm sure this whole situation has you feeling a lot of things I understand. I'm having a little trouble sleeping myself," she replied.

I relaxed a bit at her words knowing I wasn't in trouble.

"So you've just been laying here in silence wide awake," she said sympathetically.

"Yes Master, I know your rules for Trinity to not be on electronics or in her book past her bedtime and I didn't want to disobey you," I replied.

I remembered Trinity telling me a few times about the spankings she'd gotten for getting on her phone on the nights she couldn't sleep. I didn't want to deliberately disobey her, especially so soon after joining my new Master.

"Those rules are made for Trinity because she likes to sleep the day away and is completely useless if she doesn't get 8 hours of sleep. I will inform you if I expect you to obey the same rules as her. For now, I have no problem with you being on your phone or reading as long as it's within reason and you are able to handle your responsibilities, however, if I do see that you can't handle this privilege I will step in," she told me.

I was grateful to hear this news. I wasn't always so restless but it was nice to know I wouldn't find myself in trouble if I decided to scroll through my phone past a certain time. "Thank you, Master."

"Now as far as your wondering eye," she said setting her glass of water down on her desk.

"I'm, I'm sorry Master. Your appearance shocked me," I apologized quickly.

"It's ok Kajira I know it's your first time seeing your Master fully naked. It makes me happy your greedy eyes wanted to take in the view. You may look up and gaze upon your Master's body," she said. 

With her permission, I raised my head and allowed my eyes to slowly trace up her body. Like before My Master stood there completely confident in her nudity allowing me to drink in the view. I was too embarrassed the day that I bumped into her after her shower to really look at her so now that I had her permission I wanted to take her all in. My eyes went up slowly from her well-manicured feet to her long legs and strong calves, up to her low-shaven sex, her v shape waistline, well-toned stomach, her perfect breast a possible B cup not too small or too little on my Master, her strong muscular arms that were tattooed a surprising fact I rarely saw her sleeveless I always had assumed her flesh was bare of tattoos but learned something new today. My eyes slowly rose up from her collarbone to her neck up to her thick delicious looking lips to her perfectly shaped nose til I reached her eyes. 

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