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I'm sitting in my office still trying to accept the fact that Monica chose to go to Sir Meyers instead of coming back to face me. It's like our first meeting all over again. The time she cursed me out thinking I had done something to Trinity. When in fact I was the one who carried her drunken blacked-out body and Trinity's barely walking one to my home so they had a safe place to sleep. Let alone giving up my damn bed and guest bed so the two of them could sleep while I stayed on the couch. As soon as she realized she was wrong she cursed me out for her being wrong and stormed out of my house. 

After that, she attempted to bob and weave me at every event the two of us ran into each other. Pointless I was obviously going to be in Trinity's life and Monica was her best friend it was unavoidable. I finally told her to just forget about the whole situation to just get along because we were stuck with each other. She was still awkward and had a mouth on her like you wouldn't believe but she showed up when I invited them both to dinner. After that, we were just cordial to each other. 

I thought when she became my submissive and moved in though that something more was happening. Even before that when she started working for me I started to care for her. She was no longer just Trinity's friend that I had to look out for to make my girl happy. But as a whole human being one that worked my nerves but was also intelligent, hardworking, funny, shy, stubborn, self-conscious, and so many more surprising factors that I had never seen. I saw her as a person and not just a submissive that lost her way and I liked her past all of her issues. 

Back then I had to make the 1st move, and every other time after that. I could make it now, I could go straight to Kyle's front doorstep and demand that she come home with me and she probably would. But then it would always be just me fighting for this I needed her to fight to. I needed her to know without a shadow of a doubt how much she wanted and needed me. How her every being unravels when she's away from me. How food doesn't even taste the same if it's not in my not around. How colors just aren't as bright in a world without me. I want her to crave me, to want me, to be so desperate and full of need for me that she can't think of anything or no one else but me. So then she won't have anymore doubts about where she belongs. 

While I'm lost in my thoughts my phone rings I look down at it to see Kyle's name. That means he got my care package for Monica.

"You've reached Dylan," I say casually like I wasn't expecting his call.

"Really Dynasty, a Chasity Belt?" he asked in disbelief. 

"Mine," I said stating my claim on my Kaijara. 

"I told you before I'm not going to touch her. I wouldn't do that to you," he replied.

I appreciated the confirmation but that wasn't my problem, "you're not the one I'm worried about. And besides, if she was here this would have been her punishment anyway."

That was the truth, that was the punishment I intended for her. Attempts to get forced orgasms as punishment would be uno reversed into a chastity belt. I just wish I could see her reaction. The humiliation of it being known that she couldn't be trusted with her own self. I can hear her now. Especially the way she judged Trinity for being in one when we first started. I knew it'd be the lesson she needed to put her back in her place. The denial of being touched by anyone else and worse herself was going to drive her insane.  She was mine and she was not going to feel any pleasure until I was ready to give it to her. 

"I'm not going to let anything happen to her Dynasty, I gave you my word." 

"And I trust in it, but even if the guns not loaded it doesn't keep me from putting the safety on it."

He let out a heavy sigh, "You say that but tell me, how exactly do you expect me to convince your uncollared submissive to put on a chastity belt? Without just cause? Do you want me to tell her it's a gift from you?"

That part I hadn't really thought out. I knew my Kaijara was going to be pissed when she saw it. She would fight her way out of this til her last drop. It was going to have to take true submission for her to accept it. Without personally being the one to put it on her, I really have no guarantee that she'll accept it. But parts of me hope that she'll know that this is something I'd want for her and accept it.

"I don't know, aren't you like King Dom or something? Just use one of your Jedi Dom mind tricks and convince her to wear it."

He was silent for a moment, "King Dom, Jedi Dom mind Tricks? You really think I'm that arrogant, Dynasty?"


"No, Kyle of course not. I just meant that I had faith in you as an experienced Dom to be able to convince a submissive of what's best for them," I said buttering him up.

More silence.

"Hmm, Alright, I'll take care of it," he replied hanging up the phone.

I was shocked, I couldn't believe that worked. I didn't expect him to be as cooperative as he was. I figured I was going to have to spend a good 20- 30 minutes convincing him why this was a great Idea. I was ready for him to lecture me about wanting to punish a sub that wasn't mine to punish. Did my brown nosing work or could he hear the desperation in my voice? Did he notice my sanity slipping with each moment the two of us were apart? Or was it because he knew that if it was Kaylan he would break all rules to keep him too? 

Whatever his reason was I was grateful. Knowing she was out there and would be wearing that would give me some sense of control, some sense of peace, some solace knowing that she was safe from what she would face next. 

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