Angry Diamonds

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I sent Monica home ahead of me which had started becoming a regular routine for me. It allowed me some extra time to focus on work without the distraction of my sexy submissive walking around distracting me. It also gave her and Trinity time to catch up on their days and have their best time speaking freely without the pressure of behaving a certain way in front of me. I did my best to always keep their needs and friendship in mind no matter what I wanted them to remain comfortable in their positions of serving me and an overwhelmed and stressed sub can not submit to their Master. 

After Monica left I went over the details of the Bridal shower setting up games with the information Mrs. Rockwood told me. I went on and forwarded the information to her so she could get answers from her sister's fiance. So that she could set up a game to decide how well she knew him as well as some other game answers. When I was done with that I sent an e-mail to Brian letting him know that he needed to add some Bridal shower food to his already full list of things to make for this weekend. I was sure to get cursed out for adding another event which is exactly why I sent an e-mail vs a text dealing the time til he read it. Not that I'm a coward I just wasn't in the mood to get fussed at I was on to much of a high for them to bring me down. I did the same with the rest of my Diamonds a message to Hazel telling her to pull out decorations for me, and Jade for a party playlist one that included music for a stripper just in case Mrs. Rockwood decided she wanted one.  

Lastly, I sent a message to Liam telling him to get a drink menu together with a special drink for the bride-to-be. With that, I turned off my computer and got my stuff together getting ready to exist before my Diamonds came looking for me. Let me just turn off this work phone and shove it into my desk and...

The door to my office flew open flying back and hitting the wall. I jumped startled by the angered appearance of my very tall, very muscular, way too hairy friend. No one ever comes into my office without knocking. He is Pissed!

"You're shitting me right?" How are you still adding events to our already full docket Dylan?" Liam said angrily.

Shit, I wasn't quick enough. I could have sworn he would already be busy with the Everton's Retirement party. 

"Woah do we not knock anymore?" I asked still gathering my things.

He reached forward and knocked on the door he nearly broke off the hinges looking at me with an angered face. 

"What the hell is this e-mail," he asked walking towards me. "We don't have enough people to be adding any more events. Me and the rest of the Diamonds are already spread thin Dylan. You have one of us working on an event each that day while you're working 2. Who the hell is supposed to take care of this Bridal Shower?" he asked. 

"Woah calm down big guy I got this. I know it was a little crazy to add another event but this woman called me desperate to find a caterer to cover her sister's shower. She had called several other places and got shot down I felt bad for her and couldn't say no," I explained.

"You know why she got shot down? Because 3 days to plan a Bridal shower, games and entertainment, food, drinks, music, and decorations takes more than 5 minutes," he said frustrated.

"Exactly and that's why she called a professional," I said tapping my head in a thinking motion.

"Well did that professional forget that the truck came today so I don't have any food to cook for said party," Brian said walking in the doorway.

Fuck him too? Why is everybody checking their e-mails so quickly? Are none of my Diamonds working? I checked my watch to see if the event had started yet.

"I have a full and capable staff, Dylan, I can leave my Sous Chef in charge long enough to curse you out," replied to my unspoken question.

Welp at least I know the twins are too busy to bust in here. 

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