Full-time Submissive

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I was at work stll getting everything for the morning meeting still high off of my "punishment"from last night and my morning Flogging. My breast and ass had a delicious sting that was only insified when I put on my panties and bra. The way the fabric rubbed against the place where my Master had whipped me sends a reminder of the dark lustful look in her eyes. She truly enjoyed whipping me just as much as I loved the feel of the flogger against my skin. My old Master wasn't a sadist he spanked me for discipline and never pushed to far. He would always stop way to soon and If I complained to much he'd stop. He didn't realize it was me pushing him to take more control and punish me harder. I have a feeling Master is going to take me to my limits and teach me that I can go further.

I had just sat my Master's coffee on her desk when she entered the office. I quickly kneeled beside her desk and waited for her command. She walked into the office and I listened to her footsteps as they approached. I wanted to look up at her to greet her to see what she wore today, to look upon her face, to gaze into her dark and mischievous eyes. But I remained in place waiting patiently for her to address me.

She made her way to her desk and sat down making herself comfortable. Before commanding me to serve her her drink. I stood and picked her coffee up off of the table and got into position to serve her. I was taught during training when I am to serve my Master to bow to her with my knees bent in almost a curtsey-like fashion while holding the beverage up above my head. I presented her coffee to her and she ignored me. 

Master left me in my bowed position and turned to her computer turning it on and then reached into her desk to get out her notepad and pen for our Monday morning meeting. She was doing this on purpose testing my obedience to her my normal self would have gotten up or complained or fussed at her for making me do something so remedial. But now this task was given to me by my Master as a test. My body filled with a sense of anx and frustration wishing she'd take the coffee while my spot got wet from the continuous humiliation. 

After a few moments more she took the coffee from me and allowed me to sit in the seat across from her. We talked over our morning plans and prepared for the meeting. 

"When the meeting starts I want you to kneel beside me while you take your notes," Master told me. 

"You want me to what? In front of the Diamonds? I can't do that, I said shocked. Surely she was joking.

Just the thought of doing something like that send my mind into hyper drive. I have never had to be so obviously submissive in public.  I've never had to do anything like this my submissive role always remained between home or the BDSM clubs. 

"You can and will Kaijara," she replied.

 "Dylan if I kneel beside you during the meeting there going to realize something is going on. I always stand beside you while everybody stands that's submissive enough, I'm not kneeling!" I replied with an attitude. 

"What was that," she replied with a straight face.

"I mean I don't want to do that Master," I corrected myself. "I don't want to kneel in front of the Diamonds" I replied.

 I work with them they see me almost every day. Aside from the few times I got myself into trouble here I've acted completely normal. I've never done anything that would show that  I'm in the life style. I was still trying to get past the fact that Liam and Brian saw me at the club on my knees kneeling to Sit Myers.

"This is not about what you want. This is about you serving your Master, remember that you are to remain in service of me always Kaijara," she said patiently.

"Yeah, I know but this is too much. I am at work I can't do that here," I replied squeezing my legs together.

"You are at work because I allow you to be so that you can serve me. You were in agreeance that you wanted to serve me at all times this is what you asked for when you asked to become my Kaijara," she replied sounding a little annoyed.

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