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It's 630 in the morning and I'm getting my Master's lunch ready for work. The smell of her freshly brewed coffee floats in the air while I put the leftovers from last night's meal into her lunch box.  I hear her footsteps approaching I quickly kneel on the floor before she enters the room. 

"It's too damn early for you to be calling me complaining Liam, I haven't even had my cup of coffee yet," she says before snapping her fingers letting me know to get her that cup stat.

I swiftly got up from the floor grabbed her coffee from the counter and walked over to her where she was sitting at the dining room table. I bowed to her holding up the cup so that she could take it from my hand. When she takes it I kneel down beside her chair waiting for her next order. While she was distracted on the phone I snuck a peek at her waiting for her reaction. I decided to give her a Macadamia Nut flavoring this morning and I was curious how she'd feel about it. 

"It's fine Liam I'll call them when I get into the."  She brought the cup up to her lips and inhaled the scent of the coffee, her eyes arched up in curiosity before taking a sip, she closed her eyes as she registered the flavor, and a low satisfied hmmm came from her delicious lips. 

"I'll take care of it, Liam," she said looking over at me. Her dark brown eyes peered into mine and I quickly put my head down startled that I had got caught looking at her.

"Alright, I'll see you at the office," she said hanging up the phone.

Her hand went to the back of my head pulling my head up by my hair, "Feeling awfully brave this morning looking up at your Master Kaijara."

"So Sorry Master," I said attempting to downcast my eyes. 

Her hand tugged on my head causing a sting to come from the pulled strands. "No you're feeling brave this morning keep your eyes on me and explain yourself. What did you do to my coffee?"

I fidgeted in my knelt position, had I read her wrong did she not like the new flavor I had chosen for her? "It's Macadamia Nut Master, I thought maybe you'd like it."

"Oh really? And did I ask you to change my coffee?" 

My heart began to race realizing that I had overstepped. "Na No, Master," I stammered.

My Master was a creature of habit and she took her coffee very seriously. Since I started working for her she had only accepted her coffee made 2 ways and if it wasn't made perfect I was punished for it. Coffee was literally the life force that helped keep the Dynasty running and I knew a bad cup of coffee could ruin her day and a grumpy Dylan is a scary Dylan.

So randomly giving her a new flavor without asking her first was a big risk. But I really wanted her to try it. I was sure she'd like it or at least I thought she would, it was one of her favorite cookie flavors after all.

"What made you so bold to try a new flavor on me without asking me first?" She asked.

"I had tried the flavor a while back it was really good and I thought maybe you'd like it too since you love it when I make you the cookies," I replied.

I had tried a sample of coffee with this flavor at her favorite brewery and thought it was delicious. It made me think of her and I wanted to see if she thought it was as good too. I had intended on bringing her a cup back the day I got caught at Kaylan's studio for her to try but then things happened. So I ordered the flavor online and had it sent here to see if she liked it. And something in my genius brain said surprise her.

Her face was unamused and her voice set stern, "Do you think of your Master as a Guinea Pig that you can just test things on Kaijara?"

I whimpered at her question, "No, Master never I just was hoping. Do you not like it? Is it not good, Master"? I asked flustered 

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