Dom's Intuition

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Something's up with Monica. I don't know what it is maybe I'm paranoid but it just feels like she's hiding something. I don't know if it's in my head because I was in my feelings stressing over work and having that deep conversation with Trinity or if my intuition is really trying to tell me something. It all started this morning...

"Did you have a good Dom-free day yesterday," I asked Monica.

It was Thursday morning and we had just got done going over our plans for the day. We were in my office I was sitting at my desk and Monica across from me. We had a couple coming in to get a tour of our venue I was having Monica take care of it while I did inventory. Normally it'd be the other way around but I was waiting on a phone call and it was due to come in in the middle of my tour and it would be rude to answer it.

"Any day without you is unpleasurable Master," she replied like a good little submissive.

I chuckled at her, "Oh I'm sure you were out there frolicking enjoying your freedom away from me.

"I may have frolicked a little," she giggled.

I smiled at her. It's funny it was just one day but I had missed hearing that sound. I guess that whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing was true. I was on Excel working on printing out my inventory list. But wanted to show my interest in her life so I was multi-tasking my focus.

"How were your friends? What did yaw end up doing?" I asked. 

"My friends?" she asked sounding confused.

"Yeah, your friends? Didn't you say you were going to catch up with some friends or something yesterday?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh yeah right, It went well," she replied.

"Ok well, what did you do? Tell me about your day," I asked. 

"We um," she stammered.

I looked up at her and she was fidgeting in her seat like she was trying to figure out how to answer my question. I looked at her curiously. Why was this a hard question to answer? Who were these friends she went to hang out with and what exactly did they do? I realized I had been to lacking in the information I had asked her when giving her permission to go. I tried my best not to put too many restrictions on her free days but now I'm feeling like that was a mistake.

I started to ask her more questions when a knock on the door came. 

"Enter," I said.

"Hey boss the Hamptons are here early do you want me to set them up with some refreshments first or do you want to go ahead and start the tour?" Jade said. 

"I'll go ahead and give them the tour," Monica says jumping up out of her seat before I could respond.

"Alright, let's go," Jade said stepping out of the way so Monica could walk through.

Monica quickly grabs her stuff and leaves. What the hell was that?

 Was she avoiding my question?  I didn't want to assume the worst but something felt off. I told myself to ask her about it again later.

But I never got the chance. After the tour, She was out to run some errands by Hazel and Liam. Then came her lunch break which she took off site since she was already out and after that, I was off taking care of an event off-site so I was away from work. She took over the duties I had left for her and then went home for the night. The event I worked on ran late and by the time I got home, she and Trinity were passed out in bed. 

After that my mind was swarmed with work. More days passed and she became more suspicious she seemed to be on her phone more and giggling a lot. I questioned her about it and she just waved it off saying it was a funny video. She showed me the video. It wasn't that funny. It was a full week later and I was on edge feeling a way. We've been so busy lately that I haven't really had a chance to really talk to her about my concerns. It's not like I felt she was cheating on me because well we weren't dating she was just my submissive. But she would tell me if she was talking to somebody else right? I could be tripping but I don't know it just felt like she was hiding something from me.

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