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My sore bottom was more motivation than I ever needed. I got my chores done faster than Superman could fly around the world. After I was finished I decided to work on my and Monica's photo album to keep me busy and distract my mind. I figured giggling at some of her embarrassing photos would make me feel better about her not being here. Now where did I put that thing?

"OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE HER! I swear as soon as I see her again I'm going to call her all kinds of bad words!" I yell slamming down my own album.

Dylan comes out of her office and rushes to the dining room to see what all the commotion was. "What are you in here yelling about Princess?" 

I looked up at her apologetically knowing that she was working. "Sorry Master, it's Monica, she, she stole the photo album I was making of her."

I couldn't believe she took the album I had worked hard on that thing. I labeled it and put stickers, and dates it was my Masterpiece. I knew she thought it was embarrassing but we both had one. I thought it was kind of special something that linked the three of us. Our growth as submissive, and Dylan's growing into the Dom that she desires to be. 

Dylan sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry Princess, she'll be back soon enough and the two of you can fuss about it all you want. While I'm at work and nowhere around to hear the two of you shrieking." she joked trying to lighten my mood.

I looked up at her, "Do you really think she'll come back? It's almost been a week. She hasn't contacted either one of us."

I could see the sadness in her eyes as she smiled weakly nodding her head, "Of course I do Princess, this is where she belongs. But even if she doesn't the two of you will remain best friends. I'm sure she's going just as crazy as you are not being able to talk to you." she said confidently. 

I couldn't bear it if Monica chose to remain in my life and not Dylan's. I would hate to see them go through that. I knew how both of them felt about each other. Even if Monica wasn't vocal about it I knew her. I knew how she got when she had feelings for someone. The sad thing was if it was anybody else she would have acted on her feelings by now. Ugh, why was she so stubborn when it came to her?

I snuggled into her brace and tried my best to believe in her words. It was just hard this was the longest Monica and I had gone without talking. I just couldn't understand why she had stopped talking to me. Did she really not trust me, or was she mad at me because I didn't believe her? I had always gone along with whatever Monica wanted but this time I couldn't. Was that the beginning of our divide? Either way, it just didn't make sense if she was my best friend and truly cared about me why would she abandon me? Did she not care for me like I cared about her? If Dylan hadn't figured out where she was then I wouldn't have even had an idea of whether or not she was ok. 

"I'm so mad at her like I want her back here. But I'm just so angry I don't know how I'm going to forgive her after all this," I said tearing up for the umpteenth time.

"It's okay to be angry Princess, feel your emotions I'm sure she's doing the same. Monica has always been stubborn and has run away from things. You know that better than I do, this just happens to be the most dramatic she's acted out. She's hurt the two people she's used to leaning on and is now battling with how to fix it. She'll realize soon that it's better to face us and deal with the awkwardness and the temporary pain. Then to deal with the pain of living without us forever,"  she said kissing my forehead. 

I nodded my head into her chest hoping she was right and that it would happen soon. She allowed me to cry on her chest until I was completely dried out. Then I went back to work on my own photo album to fill the time.

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