Dude where's my car?

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After that day with Kaylan, I decided to take him up on his offer to take the dance classes. I wanted to do something special to show my Master that I was changing and I could be the sexy slut she wanted me to be. She made me feel so good and cared for and I just wanted to do something for her.

 Because my work schedule was so crazy I decided to start going to class during my lunch breaks. It worked out because I was usually out running errands about that time anyway so I was already off-site so I didn't have to worry about anybody just randomly asking to join me or Master find out what I was up to. After a while hanging out with Kaylan became less about pole dancing and just having fun with my friend. He was right the two of us together we're always a good time.

It was a little unnerving when Master asked me if I was hiding anything. I mean technically I was hiding something. I hadn't told her that I started talking back to Kaylan either. When I first decided to cut him off I told her and she was shocked when I told her. She told me that she understood my feelings when I told her why but let me know he was a good friend to me and that she appreciated him for bringing us together. So I'm sure she won't mind that I'm talking to him again.

I thought about telling her that I had rekindled the friendship when she asked what I did with my friend on my day off. But then I would have to explain the studio thing and then I would get in trouble for not discussing it with her first. I paid for things up front so I wouldn't allow myself to back out of it. Because I was taking solo classes it cost a little more but at least the class includes a portable stripper's pole. But if she finds out I spent that much money without discussing it with her first I'm going to be in trouble. 

I wasn't necessarily scared of getting in trouble though my punishments were never really that bad. And honestly, I was kind of just enjoying my little secret hanging out with my friend and learning how to dance. So I decided to keep it a secret for now I would tell her the truth after I get paid and can fix my account. She'll be mad but will forget about it when she sees my sexy moves she'll be so turned on that she won't mind.

All was going well until today. Kaylan texted me and told me he couldn't do my class during the lunch break but said he could do it an hour earlier. I was out running errands and said screw it and went in early I knew everybody was busy at work and wouldn't notice I was missing. I had already hyped myself up to go today so I went on and went. We did the lesson and I made little progress but sweated like I was a professional dancer. I took a quick shower at the studio to get rid of the musty smell and got ready to head out. Kaylan ended up stopping me telling me that the plans he had had been canceled so we ended up sitting and talking through my lunch break. 

Our conversation came to a halt when he got a phone call from his Master. Seeing him smile at his phone had me patting my phone to see if my Master had contacted me. It was about that time I realized I didn't have my phone. Shit, I ran back to the changing room to see if I could find it and then back to the dance hall, and nothing. Where da hell did I leave that thing? 

I signaled to Kaylan that I had to go and ran back to the restaurant where I parked to see if my phone was in the car. But when I got there it was gone.  Dude, Where's my car? Oh my God, this can't be happening. I looked at the signs to see if I had parked illegally or something but there was no tow signs saying I was and there were plenty of other cars around so. Shit what if it got stolen oh no this is bad really bad.

This can't be happening I have all the stuff for the event tonight in that car and my phone. What do I do? Do I tell Master? No, I can't she'll punish me for sure. No, I have to play this off first I need to get back to work and get through this meeting and then I'll figure out what happened to my car. 

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