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It's  10 in the morning and I've managed to get more work done in the last few hours than I have in the last few years of working here. I am trying to do everything in my damn power not to have my mind on Monica and how much it irritates me that she's not here. I know that's ironic being that I'm the one who suspended her and have all of the power in the world to bring her back right this very second but I refuse. Not until I'm sure that she understands her place. I can't go easy on her this time around I will not have her acting the way she did before.

In the meantime, I need to figure out what to do about these feelings I have for her. My mind is telling me that I don't even need to focus on that right now. Until I'm sure I have her under control I don't need to be putting my heart in it. But I can't seem to turn it off. I'm so intuned with her very being that I felt her whole mood change suddenly in the middle of our conversation. 

Then somehow I slipped and confessed my feelings to her. Not that she even realized it she's so lost in her own self and this perfection standard that she's set for herself that she can't see that she's already perfect for me. Of course, I will continue to train her as my submissive to be the perfect little slut for me. But Monica pure as she is in all her irking glory is perfect for me. She's my Princess's best friend and other half and both of those two together fit perfectly in my soul as one final puzzle piece. I just have to help her to see and accept it. 

Oh well fuck it until then I'm going to focus on work. Maybe I can knock out this year's and next year's taxes while I'm so energized.


Or I could say fuck the world and ignore my responsibilities. "Hey Princess, what's up?"

"Daddy make Monica let me take her pole dancing classes with her," Trinity whined.

Great this again. These two have been going at it about these damn classes since Trinity found out about them. I knew it was bothering Trinity to not be included but I had to respect Monica's need to do this on her own. Though I figured she'd talk to Trinity about why she needed to do this on her own by now. Then again as Monica's best friend, I figured Trinity would understand how damn self-conscious and insecure Monica is. Ha, who am I kidding she ain't thinking about that she's a Brat and she's throwing a tantrum cause Monica has something she doesn't.

The problem is Trinity is the epitome of sexy she doesn't have to try to be she just is. Her confidence and aura are so bright that she just draws people's attention in she just automatically gets it when she walks into a room. Which is the exact reason why she can't take the classes with her. Monica has the ability to be on the same level as Trinity she's beautiful and sexy in different ways. While my Princess is sweet and petite with a sexy body and enough confidence to feel an ocean yet she still has the ability to feign shyness and innocence which makes you want to take care of her.

Kaijra has this beautiful, curvy body she's strong and confident in so many damn ways a boss in her own right and yet her self-consciousness holds her back. But it also gives her the sweet innocent quality that I find attractive too she's a fighter to the death of her but she's also weak and fragile and her need to be dominated and willingness to be controlled by me is so fucking sexy.  She's changed so much but she doesn't see it or at least she didn't but she's progressed so much as of late her confidence is building and I believe a lot of that has to do with her classes. Which is why, 

"Not happening Princess we've already discussed this you're working on Wednesdays and letting Kaijara have her privacy," I replied.

"But Daddy it's not fair I wanna take classes too," she said in full tantrum mode.

Great the brat is up and full of energy.

I could practically see her crossing her arms in a full pout from here. "Why does she get to take them on her own? She disobeys you and gets special treatment? Maybe I should."

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