Make me

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"You really Love me?" I said still trying to process the words.

She let out a soft chuckle. "Yes Monica, I love you."

Oh my God, this is real. She said it again. Now I know I'm not hallucinating. I blushed red enough to be a tomato and a hundred-watt smile took over the entirety of my face. It felt like my whole heart did a backflip and a million butterflies were set off in my stomach. She loved me Dylan really loved me. After all the things I said after admitting all my flaws after confessing how hopeless I was. She still loved me, that means she still wants me, that means we can really be together and....

I stood up from my knelt position crossed my arms and stomped my foot. "Hey That's not fair, I said in a frustrated tone.

Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion thrown off by my sudden tantrum, "What's not fair?"

"I wanted to say it first. I wanted to tell you," I let out a little whine not even being able to finish my sentence because I was so frustrated she had said it first. 

After Trinity's threat yesterday I went home feeling sad and questioning myself all over again. And that's when I realized I was doing it again. That's the exact thing Trinity made me promise not to do run away when I got scared. I wanted to be strong and stand by both of their sides. I wanted to be brave and love them without fear as they did with me. Ok, maybe they were a little fearful of me rightfully so. But they loved me anyway and I wanted to give them the same.

So I decided that I was going to apologize wholeheartedly and then I was going to confess my love to Dylan and hope that she'd accept my love. And if she didn't then at least I was honest with her and told her how I felt. I mean I kind of fumbled the ball when it came to my apology but my love confession I was determined to get right. 

She gave me a humored smile one that crinkled her eyes, "But you did say it first, don't you remember?"

I looked at her confused. I know I got sidetracked in my apology and went on a rant for half an hour but nowhere in there did I actually say the words I love you. 

"No, I didn't when?" she asked confused.

"You told me I give you're heart the tingles, that you miss me, that you dream about me, that you wonder what I think about everything you do and if I miss you too. You don't have to say the literal words for me to understand exactly how you feel. In fact, this admission might be better than the actual words because you would never admit that you missed me before, let alone dreamed about me."

I smiled again at her again. She was right technically in my Monica way I did confess my love. I had refused to tell her how I felt for so long. That I had just blurted everything out without even realizing it. 

"Alright so now that we got that out of the way. Let's get back to you stripping for me. Take the rest of those clothes off so I can appreciate all your outer beauty as much as I appreciate the inner."

Ugh was I ever going to turn normal color again? She kept making me smile and blush with her words. My cheeks were starting to hurt and my body felt like it was on fire. But it made me feel kind of sexy that she wanted to see my body so bad. But I had planned out this whole dinner and wanted to finish our date. I backed away from her until I was standing next to the pole again.

"Sorry no can do. We have a schedule to keep. Now that we're done with the entertainment part of the date. Let's get to dinner." I said pointing over to the table.

She looked over at the table and back towards me, "I'm only interested in eating one thing and it's not on that table," she said in her deliciously seductive voice.

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