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I follow Kaylan upstairs to the guest bedroom an awkward silence follows us with each step. It feels like he's mad at me and I don't understand why. We get to the second floor and a wall of doors riddle the hallway. Kaylan walks to the 3rd door and opens the door to a room with a large black oak bed set. 

He walked me into the room and set my suitcase down on the bed. "You can stay here, the bathrooms through that door, blankets are in the closet there, and breakfast is usually ready by 8 but will be left out til 10 if you're a late riser.

I look around the room and try to keep up with everything he's telling me, "Ok I got it, thank you."

He opens the door and points down the hall "Master and I's bedroom is down the hall if you need us but try not to need us." 

He's being helpful but his energy feels cold. I wish I knew what I did that made him so mad at me. I wonder if he's upset because I interrupted his and Sir Meyers' alone time. Or is it something else? He said I don't get it. What did he mean by that?

"Ok, thanks I should be fine thank you for everything."

 "Alright well, good night, he says turning to leave"

"I u, I'm sorry about interrupting your night."

He stalls by the door, "It's fine, I'd hate for you not to have anywhere safe to stay, his words were laced with sarcasm." 

"Are you mad at me about something?" 

"No, why would I be," he replied with a fake smile.

I didn't have a reason aside from his energy just feeling off. Maybe it was in my head? "Are you sure it just feels off? I thought you'd be excited that I was staying here. Like it would be like a Suby-sleepover or something but you don't seem happy at all."

He turns back to me and looks me up and down. "No Monica, we're good."

Woah there goes that chill again maybe I should just let him be. "Okay, good night then."

Kaylan leaves me alone in the room and I make myself comfortable. I go to the bathroom to shower and then put on a fresh pair of pajamas to go to sleep. I'll try talking to Kaylan again tomorrow.


It's 2 in the morning and I'm wide awake. I guess that power nap I had in the car served me because there's not one ounce of sleep left in me. I turned on the TV. and flipped through the channels looking for something entertaining to watch. A commercial comes on for Jack and the box munchies menu and my stomach starts growling. I try to ignore it but after an hour of non-stop roaring I decide to venture to the kitchen to see if I can find something to stop the ruckus in my stomach before it wakes up Kaylan and Sir Myers.

I tip-toed through the house and looked for the kitchen getting lost twice along the way. This place is insanely huge, bigger than I even first imagined. Dylan would be so annoyed with how big this place is. I bet you could fit 10 of Dylan's house in here. A ping to my chest comes from the thought of her and I shake my head to clear my mind. 

When I finally found the kitchen I awww struck by its size of it the open-concept kitchen dining room combination with a large kitchen island with a cooktop in the middle. Dylan would love this kitchen she'd be like a kid in a candy store. Just think of all the parties she could host if she. Stop Monica stop, stop thinking about her. You are at Sir Meyers you collarless you are done with that part of your life. 

I make my way over to the fridge and find it fully stocked with water, energy drinks, juices, and other beverages and other food. I grab a bottle of water from the side panel grab a banana off the counter and make my way back upstairs. 

Why are there so many damn doors? Which one leads to my room again the 3rd one on the left or the right?

I stand in the hallway feeling like I'm in one of those fun houses at the fair when I hear the sound of Kaylan's voice.  "I'm sorry I just think that she should know exactly what she's walking away from. Mrs. Dynasty's done so much to make herself the perfect Dom for Monica and she's just willing to give her up.

Perfect Dom for me? What does he mean by that? I snuck up a little closer to their bedroom door so I could hear what they were talking about.

"I understand your feelings baby boy but like I said before that is not your story to tell," Sir Meyers replied. 

"It's just, she doesn't even realize that if it wasn't for Mrs. Dynasty the two of us would never have been able to remain friends."

"Dynasty was definitely the bigger person back then, but like I said before that is not your story to tell. My only focus is to make sure Stephanie has a safe place to stay until she gets back on her feet. I expect you to respect that fact and stay out of their business, Do you understand?"

I heard Kaylan let out a heavy sigh, "Yes, Master."

I backed away slowly from their door and headed back to my room. When I got there I sat on the bed and tried to process what I overheard. What did Sir Myers mean when he said that Dylan was a bigger person? Why was he coming to her defense, again? I thought the two of them didn't like each other. And why did Dylan have to do with Kaylan and I being friends? The only thing that kept us from being friends was me stopping it. Dylan never had a problem with our friendship. Did she?

I had more questions than answers and I couldn't ask for the answers without making it apparent that I was eavesdropping on their conversation. I'm pretty sure that's against one of Sir Meyer's house rules. I decided not to think about it, it didn't matter anyway I made my decision and I needed to stick to it. I've already made a mess of things I've hurt the two people in this world I care about the most. I may have even broken them up, I'm honestly not even sure what happened with Trinity after I left. Did they stay together? Oh shit what if they didn't and that's why she was calling me?

I reach for my purse and dig through it looking for my phone. I pull it out and go to check the message but the stupid thing is dead. Ugh, where's my charger? I opened up my suitcase and went through it throwing everything out onto the bed when I couldn't find it on top. Where the heck is it? I had when I left I remember using it when I left the. Oh No, I left my charger at the BnB. Ugh, this is all Dylan's fault she's the one that got me kicked out of there when she turned off my cards. 

Forget it I'll just ask Kaylan for a charger tomorrow. Until then I guess I can put away my clothes in the dressers since I'll be staying here a while and I'm wide awake. I start gathering my things to put in the dresser when I come across my punishment photo album. The photo album Dylan had Trinity make off all my punishments, and any other picture she found humiliating or entertaining. I took it when I left I could leave it there for her to do whatever she wanted with it. Not that I think it would end up on the internet or anything but I just, didn't want her looking at it. I took all evidence of me out of there when I left it was just easier that way.

I stared at the album and shook my head. I still couldn't believe she insisted on doing this, she really had way too much fun with me. The way she'd just flash that stupid camera phone with so much pride while I was stuck in the most awkward situations. It was just so Damn it why am I getting turned on just thinking about it. I took the album shoved it in the bottom of the drawer and put a pile of clothes on top of it refusing to look at it. I can't let myself get worked up because of a stupid photo album. 

After my clothes were put away I lay in bed and pretended like I was asleep until sleep actually took me. The bed was comfortable, the comforter was warm, and I was no longer on the verge of being homeless. But I did have to figure out how to afford an apartment since Dylan cut off my cards. I need to find a job.

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