1. Chris is back!

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This morning in San Fransico is like any other morning, it's sunny, about 70 degrees and a nice breeze

Piper is in the attic reading the Book of Shadows looking for a spell to vanquish the demon that attacked them that morning

Piper's POV

Piper: ahhh, why isn't there anything in here (I yelled to myself) Chris! (I decided to call my son cause he seems to know everything)

Chris: (orbs in from wherever he was) yeah mom what is it?

Piper: I can't find anything in this book, are you sure that was a demon?

Chris: yes, I'm positive, who else would want to kill you?

Piper: I don't know, it's just that the book doesn't have anything and I couldn't blow it up when he was here earlier

Chris: don't give up (that's the advice he gives me)

Piper: you're from the future and u don't know what this thing is!!!!

Chris: hey I just got back from the future a hour ago, and if u don't remember, I died last time I was here!!!

Piper: I know, I'm sorry it's just that things have been happening so fast. I mean cole just got back too and-

Chris: (cut her off) who's cole?

Piper: you've never heard of him? He's not in the history books or we never told u about him in the future?

Chris: nope

Piper: well he's this demon who was sent to kill us then he fell in love with phoebe turned good lost his powers then turned into the source of all evil, him and Phoebe got married, he then made phoebe move in with him, Phoebe then was pregnant with his demonic son which turned out not to be phoebe's but the source of all evil's then phoebe dumped him, cole hung around awhile, then we vanquished him. Get all of that?

Chris: sure but how come I didn't know he was back?

Piper: apparently he hasn't shown his face since the last time he came, oh well, we're better off without him here anyways.

Chris: well back to that demon, just keep looking

Piper: I will, thanks, you should go find dad and ask him what I should do and then you can go and get Wyatt and you, (laughs a little) if you know what I mean

Chris: yeah I do, I'll get dad and Wyatt and little me (laughs) (orbs to find Leo)

Piper: good boy

Phoebe: (comes in the attic) piper there u are, anything on the demon?

Piper: (head in her hands, groaning) sure that's why I'm laying here with my head in my hands and groaning. (Note sarcasm)

Phoebe: don't get smart with me missy. Why are you so on edge?

Piper: well this demon isn't in the book, Chris doesn't know who he is and cole is back (I said the last part fast cause I don't know if phoebe knows yet)

Phoebe: what!!!!

Piper: (I'm guessing she didn't know) u heard me

Phoebe: great that's just what I need now (she said pacing and groaning)

Piper: now who's groaning? (I had to ask haha) but did u not hear who else is back?

Phoebe: who?

Piper: Chris!

Phoebe: oh really that's great, when did he come back?

Piper: about a hour ago. A demon attacked us this morning, I'm glad chris was here to orb me away because my powers didn't seem to work on that demon.

Phoebe: how did he get back?

Piper: well he came through a portal and then we caught up.

Phoebe: so u r the only one who knows cole and Chris are back?

Piper: well except for u now, yeah.

Phoebe: wow, I can't believe cole is back.

Piper: (I was getting a little annoyed because hello I just got attacked by a demon) yes Phoebe he's back now let's focus on the bigger picture, I was attacked!!!!

Phoebe: yeah I know I'm sorry it's just last time cole was here we kinda blew him up

Piper: I know it's hard but can u just focus for now, please!

Phoebe: ok ok. So where's paige? Why isn't she helping?

Piper: I thought she was with u

Phoebe: nope she's not

Piper: (I was getting a little worried, paige is always here when it comes to demons) I wonder where she is? (I didn't want to sound that worried)

Phoebe: piper don't worry, we'll find her

Piper: (crap, I forgot she is an empath) ok. I'll try

Leo: (orbs down) Piper, Chris said u needed me, and when did he get back. He came to me and I thought I was seeing a ghost!

Piper: oh yeah sorry, he got back an hour ago.

Leo: cool, so what do u need?

Piper: oh yeah, well this morning when Chris got back we were catching up and this demon attacked, I couldn't blow it up but Chris orbed me away. The demon didn't even seem affected by the blows.

Leo: hmm, that is tough, I've heard of every demon but this one is different. What did it look like?

Piper: creepy (a little broad, but oh well)

Leo: thanks, but it needs to be more specific then that.

Piper: well (I tried hard to describe what it looked like)

Chris's POV

Chris: (I was upstairs getting Wyatt and little me. It's kind of weird to be holding me) ok, come on Wyatt and Chris.

Wyatt: (orbs some where)

Chris: ok wyatt! I'm not playing come here, now!

Wyatt: (orbs back)

Chris: thank you (I picked up the boys and orbed them up to attic where everyone else was) (orbs in the attic)

Phoebe: Chris it's good to see you, well, the adult you again (she laughed a bit)

Chris: (I put the boys in the playpen) you too. (We hugged) where's paige?

Piper: we don't know where she is

Chris: well we better find her if you want to vanquish that demon. You might need the Power of Three.

Piper: let's call her

Chris: why didn't I think of that (no really, why didn't I think of that)

Piper: Paige!! Paige!!

Paige: (orbs down) yeah? (Looks over and Chris) Chris you're back!

Chris: yep! (We hugged) we need you're help to vanquish a demon

Paige: alright let's get this show on the road

????: need any help????

Everyone: (gasps)

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