28. Worried

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Piper's POV

I just was just about to walk into the attic with Leo, who by the way was being annoying while trying to stop me.

Leo: Piper, stop. Let them figure out the spell or potion or whatever, ok. You can take a break and rest.

Piper: Leo, I like doing this kind of thing. I've been doing it for almost 9 years. It's part of me now.

Leo: I understand but you do need a break too.

Piper: ugh, can I just see if they need help?

Leo: fine.

We walked into the attic to find my three kids looking through the book. I stopped dead in my tracks making Leo run into me.

Leo: Pi-

Piper: (whispers) shhh.

Their backs were turned away from us. I wanted to hear what they were saying.

Chris: guys, there's nothing in here.

Melinda: this is useless, what are we going to do?

Wyatt: I don't know but we need to get back to our time.

Melinda: why don't we ask mom or one of our aunts to help us.

Chris: no, they need a break, besides, mom always seems a little annoyed with magic, so I think we are doing her a favor.

Wyatt: I guess, but what are suppose to do then.

Melinda: come on guys, we are the Power of Three. We can figure this out.

They sat there silent for some 30 seconds before Chris spoke up.
LoChris: maybe we can-, never mind.

Wyatt: should we try making a spell again?

Melinda: I guess, but it's not going to help. Barbas seemed to have blocked all of our magic from getting us back home.

Chris: I say we get mom.

Wyatt: fine.

They turned around and they seemed surprised to see Leo and I standing here.

Melinda: mom, dad? How long have you been standing there?

Leo: only about a minute.

Piper: you guys want my help?

Wyatt: umm, maybe.

Piper: maybe, I just heard you say you want my help.

Melinda: well, it was more of a thought.

Piper: this is crazy, Chris just said, get mom and Wyatt said fine.

Chris: ok fine, we can't do everything.

Piper: what? Why would I think you can do everything?

Melinda: (sighs) we always make it seem like we have everything under control, but we don't. We are stuck in another time right now and it's kind of freaking us out.

Wyatt: speak for yourself, I feel fine.

Piper: do you really?

Wyatt: (sighs) no.

Leo: ok, why don't you three take a break and let your mom handle it.

Melinda: but we-

Leo: don't talk back to me young lady.

Melinda: (shocked) what?

Leo: just kidding. (Smiles) I just can't wait to say that.

Melinda: (smiles) yeah, (nervously laughs) guys can I talk to you for a sec. Excuse us.

They left the attic.

Piper: that's weird.

Melinda's POV

Chris: what's up Mel. You seemed nervous in there.

Melinda: that's because I was. Umm, shouldn't mom be pregnant with me now?

Wyatt: huh?

Melinda: I mean little me. My birthday is in about 8 1/2 months. I'm worried.

Chris: don't be worried. Hey, maybe she is pregnant and she just doesn't know.

Melinda: maybe.

Wyatt: yeah don't worry.

Melinda: I just don't want to not be born, because of me. (Smiles) make sense?

Chris: yeah, I know what it's like to almost not be born.

Wyatt: huh? What do you mean?

Chris: uh, never mind.

Wyatt: ok then. Mel, you'll be born and mom should be pregnant with you right now, otherwise you would of disappeared right?

Melinda: I guess.

Chris: good, now let's put that behind us and try to find out a way to get back to our time.

Melinda: good idea.

I hope that I'm going to be brought into the world. I just have a feeling I'm not. Even though I should of disappeared now if I wasn't. Maybe Barbas did something so I can't disappear. Nah, that's stupid, right?

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