21. Back to the future

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Chris's POV

Right now we are in the attic looking in the Book of Shadows for a spell to vanquish The Sound.

Piper: found it. Ok, how do we do this? Just say the spell and it will be vanquished?

Chris: it should. If you don't hear the sound after you say the spell, it worked.

Paige: ok, let's hurry because The Sound is driving me crazy. (Covers her ears)

Phoebe: alright.

Piper: grab hands with me. (Grabs Phoebe and Paige's hands)

Piper, Phoebe, and Paige: (say the spell) *I don't know a spell haha*

After they said the spell, I looked at them. They looked relieved.

Chris: did it work?

Paige: yeah, for me. Did it work for you guys?

Piper: yeah, Phoebe?

Phoebe: yeah. I'm so relieved.

Chris: good. Now you guys can continue you day.

Piper: great.

Phoebe: actually I took the day off. So, umm, what to do?

Chris: oh you can- (gets cut off)

Phoebe: I can go see Coop.

Paige: good idea. And I'll go visit Henry at the station.

Phoebe: can you orb me to Coop?

Paige: sure. Bye. (Orbs Phoebe and herself away)

Piper: I'm going down to bake some cookies.

Chris: alright. (Smiles) I love your cookies (laughed a bit)

Piper: thanks. (Smiles and walks out of the attic)

I was about to orb away when I heard and saw a portal open.

Chris: oh great.

I saw Melinda and Wyatt step out.

Chris: guys, your not suppose to come back.

Melinda: sorry, but we need you.

Wyatt: yeah. There is this group of powerful demons attacking us, well, in the future.

Melinda: yeah and we need the Power of Three.

Chris: fine. Let me tell mom first.

We ran downstairs and into the kitchen to where mom was.

Chris: mom.

Piper: yeah Chris? (Turns around from putting the cookies in the oven) Wyatt, Melinda, what are you two doing back?

Melinda: we need Chris for the Power of Three.

Wyatt: these powerful demons are attacking and well, you get it.

Piper: yeah I do. Well, be safe. Chris are you coming back?

Chris: umm, maybe, if they don't need me.

Melinda: I guess we'll decide that after we kill those demons.

Chris: (hugged Piper) bye, I'll talk to you in the future. You'll remember this conversation. (Laughed) hopefully. (Smiles)

Piper: (smiles) hopefully I see you here again. Love you three.

Wyatt, Chris and Melinda: love you.

Wyatt waved his hand in front of the wall and a portal opened up. I look one last time at my mom, she waved and I waved back and the next thing I knew, I was going back to the future. We just stepped into the future, well, not future for me. For me it's the present, the year 2028. We were in the attic again.

Melinda: alright, let's go get those demons.

Chris: right.

I followed them downstairs and I saw my mom making cookies in the kitchen.

Chris: hey, mom. Still making cookies? (Smiles)

Piper: yeah, when you left to go here, in 2006, I was making cookies so here you go. (She handed them a plate of cookies)

Wyatt: uh, thanks mom, but we need to go and kill those powerful demons that have been attacking witches for awhile.

Piper: alright, well, they are here when you get back. Go get 'em. (Smiles)

Chris: thanks (smiles) let's go guys.

We orbed to find those demons.

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