51. Babies

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Melinda's POV

Wyatt, Chris, and I are sitting in the waiting room. Paige and Henry went to get Paige an ultrasound 30 minutes ago. We are just waiting for our chance to see the babies, aka Prudence and me.

Melinda: it's been half an hour. When do we get to see the babies?

Chris: I don't know. It could be as long as an hour. They just need to make sure mom and Phoebe are settled.

Leo came out of the room. We all stood up.

Wyatt: dad. Can we see her now?

Leo: yes, come with me.

We followed dad into Piper's recovery room. When we walked in we saw Piper lying on the bed with little Melinda in her arms. I'm so cute.

Piper: here she is.

She tilted little Melinda a little bit so we could see her better.

Wyatt: awe. Mel your so cute.

Melinda: (smiles) I know

Chris: very funny. Can we hold her?

Piper: sure.

She handed Chris the baby.

Chris: I don't remember Mel being this small.

Wyatt: I do.

Piper: speaking of that, is dad brining the boys here?

Leo: yep, I called him. He's on his way with the boys.

Piper: ok.

Chris handed Wyatt the baby.

Wyatt: when Mel didn't talk.

Melinda: now your the funny one.

Then it was my turn to hold me. Wyatt handed her to me. I looked down at her.

Melinda: hi little me. You won't remember me telling you this but, you'll have a good life. Just never listen to Chris, he'll get you in trouble.

Chris: pfft.

I handed dad Melinda. He looked down at her.

Leo: you'll be just fine. (Smiles)

Dad handed her back to mom.

Piper: I think I want to get some rest.

Chris: ok we'll leave you alone.

Wyatt, Chris, and I left the room.

Melinda: woah. I just saw myself as a baby.

Chris: weird isn't it?

Melinda: yeah.

Henry and Paige came into the waiting room.

Melinda: well?

Paige: yep, I'm pregnant; however, it doesn't show that it's twins yet. The doctor says I'm about 12 weeks along and that my due date is November 7th.

Wyatt: congratulations.

Chris: do you want us to tell you their real birthday.

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