30. Reunions Part 1

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Melinda's POV

I'm worried. Little Wyatt and Chris disappeared so that means little me disappeared, if mom was pregnant with me. We need to come up with a plan to get them back and get us back to our time.

Chris: calm down, we can think of a solution, we always do.

Wyatt: yeah but we are stuck in 2006! Not our time period.

Melinda: what are we going to do?

Wyatt: maybe we can ask the elders?

Chris: mom would hate that.

Melinda: but they might be able to help.

Chris: fine, but that will be our plan b. Got it?

Melinda: ok, deal.

We hear the door bell ring, Chris went to open the door with us following. Chris opened the door.

Chris: can I help you?

????: uh, I must have the wrong house.

Melinda: who do you want?

????: Piper.

We all look at each other.

Chris: why?

????: I was just wondering if I could talk to her, you know, catch up. I'm an old friend.

Wyatt: well she's busy right now, come back later.

Chris: or never.

Melinda: guys, this guy came to see his old friend.

Chris: Mel, how do we know he's not a you know what?

????: don't worry I'm not a serial killer.

Wyatt: that's not what he meant.

Melinda: besides you wouldn't tell us if you were anyway.

Chris: off topic. Mom!

Melinda: he means, Piper!

I gave Chris a shut up look while Wyatt slapped Chris on the arm.

Chris: ow!

????: wait, she's your mom?

Chris: (nervously laughs) no, pff, no.

????: I was going to say (laughs) she is way to young to be the mom of you.

Wyatt: well yeah duh, she just asks us to call her mom because she loves us like family.

Chris: smooth

Wyatt: ha ha, funny.

Melinda: seriously, Piper!

Piper came down the stairs.

Piper: ok ok what is it? I'm bus- (stops and stares)

Chris: m- I mean Piper? Are you ok?

????: hi, Piper.

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