66. Peace

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Phoebe's POV

Leo sensed Mark and orbed to where he was and we followed him. We were standing in a hall and Mark was in the next room talking to someone. Most likely Damian.

Melinda: is that Damian?

Leo: I think so.

We heard Mark talking from the other room.

Mark: I'm sorry Damian. Wyatt Halliwell still hasn't turned himself over to me.

Damian: then kill those witches that are locked up!

Mark: yes sir.

Leo: I'm glad Cole got them out.

Mark turned around and started walking for us.

Chris: what should we do?

Melinda: I got this.

Mark came around the corner.

Mark: you!

Melinda froze him except for his head.

Mark: let me go.

Melinda: your funny. I'm not letting you go. Especially after everything you have done to my family. And you've only been back one day!

Mark: I can explain.

Melinda: explain what!? You kidnapped my brother, aunt, and me, you locked us in a room where there was no magic, and you were planning on killing us! I can't believe I wasted my time on you!

Melinda unfroze him and drop kicked him.

Wyatt: woah!

Chris: did you know she could do that?

Wyatt: nope.

Melinda leaned over Mark who was laying on the floor.

Melinda: don't you ever come after my family again!

Mark: I won't. I swear.

Melinda: oh I'll make sure you don't! Mom, blow him up.

Piper: are you sure?

Melinda looked back at Mark and then back to Piper.

Melinda: I've never been so sure of anything in my life.

Mark: Melinda! Don't!

Piper blew him up.

Chris: are you okay Mel?

Melinda: I'm fine. I'm done with guys for awhile.

Wyatt: I told you guys.

Leo: yeah yeah.

Melinda: thanks guys, for being so concerned for me when I started dating Mark.

Phoebe: hey, that's what families are for.

Leo: alright. Now that the messenger is gone, let's go get the big boss.

We all walked into the room and looked at Damian.

Damian: ugh! That Mark is useless. You three escaped, and you found me. I really need more security.

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