60. New power?

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Chris's POV

Wyatt and I orbed outside of room 204. No one was there but I saw through the door's window that Paige was sitting on the bed and Henry was standing next to her.

Chris: They all must be in the waiting room.

Wyatt: let's tell dad about Melinda first and then tell them about Henry Junior.

Chris: okay.

Wyatt and I started walking down the hall toward the waiting room.

Chris: Wait, Wyatt, why are we here?

Wyatt: to tell Paige about Henry Junior ...

I gave Wyatt a look.

Wyatt: ... who they don't know about yet.

Chris: if anything we should have came back in 2008 when he was born and adopted.

Wyatt: well, how about we tell dad about Melinda and then travel to the future, well the future from here but the past for us, to tell them.

Chris: I guess we could do that.

Wyatt and I continued walking and we reached the waiting room. Dad, mom, and Phoebe were sitting on a couch on the other side of the room.

Chris: remember-

Wyatt: nothing about Henry Junior, got it.

We walked across the room and all three of them stood up and smiled at us.

Leo: Wyatt! Chris! Your back.

Piper: it's good to see you.

They each hugged us.

Phoebe: why are you back?

Chris: we came back to the wrong time.

Wyatt: there's something Paige needed to know but she can't know yet.

Leo: umm okay.

Piper: you two confuse me but I love ya.

Wyatt and I smiled.

Leo: where's your sister?

Oops, that's what we came to tell dad about. Sorry Melinda. Hashtag sibling love is real. Wow I did not just think that.

Wyatt: (mind) Chris, shut up.

Chris: (mind) Sorry.

Leo: hello? Anyone going to answer?

Wyatt: (mind) we've got to stop doing this in front of them.

Chris: (mind) then let's stop.

Piper: Wyatt, Chris!

Chris: dang!

Wyatt: okay, umm. What was the question?

Phoebe: are you two okay?

Chris: us? Yeah we're fine. Why would you ask that?

Piper: you seem to be zoning out a lot. Both of you do.

Wyatt: now that's hashtag awkward.

Chris: Wyatt!

Leo: what's a hashtag?

Wyatt: oh uh, future thing.

Chris: not to far in the future actually. Wait two or three years.

Wyatt: sorry the question. Where is Melinda? Well that's what we came to talk to you about actually.

Leo: okay.

Chris: Melinda seems to be hovering in the air in the attic and she can't get down.

Wyatt: it's like she got a new power.

Chris: like levitating but she can't move and she's lower to the ground.

Leo: okay. Let's go to the attic to check it out. Call me if anything happens with Paige.

Piper: we will.

Wyatt, dad, and I orbed to the attic. We got there and Melinda was still hovering a few feet off the ground.

Chris: we're back.

Melinda: ugh, about time!

Wyatt: sorry.

Chris: (mind) see, Wyatt and I got caught doing this again.

Melinda: (mind) be more careful next time.

Wyatt: so, can we get her down?

Leo: well, there has to be a way. Any spells you can think of that would help.

Melinda: wow, we never did try a spell.

Chris: okay. Umm, Wyatt?

Wyatt: Melinda is hovering off the ground, no way to get her down, with this spell we release her now, from whatever has her bound.

Chris: okay then.

Melinda started swaying and soon she fell to the ground and landed on her side.

Chris: Mel! Are you okay?

Wyatt: Melinda?

Melinda: ugh, you couldn't have made a spell where I gently float down.

We all smiled.

Leo: now that that's done, I'll be getting back.

Melinda: wait. What was that? A new power?

Leo: well, considering you three were the only ones in the room, and Chris and Wyatt didn't do it to you, I'd say yeah, it's a new power.

Melinda: but I can't control it.

Leo: you'll learn too. You learned to control your freezing power. You'll eventually learn to control this one.

Chris: how long will it take?

Leo: maybe a week, or a month. Depending on how fast she learns.

Melinda: okay, my freezing power took me about two weeks to control so I figure this hovering power will take me about the same.

Wyatt: good. Wouldn't want you to be walking down the street and all of a sudden start hovering.

Leo: Wyatt's right about that. Maybe you should stay in the manor until you can control this power. We wouldn't want to expose magic.

There's that "expose magic" talk that we all got when we were younger. "It's a scary world out there. One with demons and all kinds of different beings. No matter how hard your powers want to fight back at them, don't. Call someone. Be smart. Don't expose magic." Yep, I've heard it so many times I've got it memorized.

Melinda: fine. Can we stay in 2007 too? Easier for me to control my powers around people who understand them. Like you dad, and maybe Phoebe since she kind of has a power like this.

Leo: fine with me. I have to go now. Chris and Wyatt, come visit Paige in the hospital if you want sometime. Melinda, stay put.

Melinda nodded and Leo orbed away.

Chris: if we are staying in 2007, how are we supposed to go to 2008 to warn Paige about Henry?

Melinda: hey, good thing about time and the future, it doesn't move when we are in the past. Wait until my power is under control and then we will go.

Chris: fine.


Sorry it's been so long.

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