55. Bad news

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Melinda's POV

Today's the day. Today's the day for two things actually. Today the babies and their mothers get to come home but it's also the day Mark dies while crossing the street. It's possible to change someone's future but why is this time different?

Melinda: Chris. I have a question?

Chris: yes?

Melinda: if it's possible to change someone's future, why can't I change his?

Chris: well, if someone is meant to die, they'll die. But you can change the way he dies.

Melinda: that's depressing.

Chris: I know.

Wyatt, Chris, and I were sitting in the living room waiting for mom, dad, and baby Melinda to get home.

Wyatt: don't you want to see Mark one more time?

Melinda: no. If I see him, it will be to much for me.

Chris: maybe you should call him.

Melinda: I guess.

The door opened and closed. We heard voices in the hallway. All three of us ran into the hall.

Melinda: yay! Your home.

Leo: yep. Hey Melinda how are you feeling?

Melinda: huh?

Leo: Wyatt told me that bagel didn't go well with you.

I looked and Wyatt and Chris. They just smiled and nodded their heads.

Melinda: oh right. I'm doing fine, thanks.

Piper: look Melinda, this is your new home.

Mom walked down the hallway with little Melinda and showed her the dining room.

Piper: I'm so happy I finally got my little girl.

Chris: thanks.

Piper: you know what I mean. I love both of my boys but having a girl is what I dreamed of.

Wyatt: not making it better.

Leo: we love you both very much.

Wyatt and Chris both smiled.

Melinda: well I'm glad I'm making you happy.

Chris: wait until her teenage years.

Wyatt: then you'll say you're glad you have boys.

Melinda: don't listen to them. I've always been an angel.

Wyatt: pfft

Piper: that's enough. I'm going to go put Melinda in her crib.

Leo: I'll come too. You three be good.

The walked up the stairs and out of sight.

Melinda: I was a perfect child and teenager.

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