42. What's bothering Wyatt?

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Chris' POV

I was looking for Wyatt. He just walked out of the kitchen, where could he have gone. I'm upstairs now.

Chris: oh, mom. Have you seen Wyatt. He was just in the kitchen with me and now I can't find him.

Piper: uh, no. Why are you looking for him?

Chris: he was acting weird in the kitchen earlier and I asked what's wrong. He said he was home sick but I don't think that's it.

Piper: yeah, he would just go home if he was homesick.

Chris: I've noticed that these past two months he has been acting a little differently. Like he's depressed or upset about something. I didn't notice it right away but I think over time it has gotten worse.

Piper: really, I haven't noticed anything.

Wyatt's POV

I'm standing right outside mom's bedroom door, listening to her and Chris talk about me. Mom didn't even notice that I was acting different. Wow.

Chris: tell me if you see him, ok.

Piper: ok

Chris turned to leave so I quickly orbed out of there.

Henry's POV

Right now I'm at the police station working on a case. I look out the window trying to focus my eyes a little bit after staring at a computer screen for so long. Then I see a glow of white and blue lights. For a second I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but then a human appeared. It was Wyatt. He came inside the police station and walked up to me.

Wyatt: uncle Henry? Can I talk to you second.

Henry: uh, sure

Wyatt: so we've always been close.

Henry: we have? I barely know you.

Wyatt: I mean in the future. You are the person I always come to.

Henry: oh ok. What's wrong.

Wyatt: so these past two months I have been kind of depressed and no one has noticed until now.

Henry: who noticed?

Wyatt: Chris. But the sad thing is, mom didn't notice. She and Chris were talking about me and she said she didn't notice.

Wyatt started tearing up a bit. What do you do when a grown man starts crying in front of you in a public building.

Henry: it will all work out. At least your brother noticed and he's trying to help by asking the others. He's spreading the word.

Wyatt: what if I don't want him to!

He said that a little loud. This must be bothering him.

Henry: Wyatt, you have to calm down we are in a public building.

Wyatt: your right, I'm sorry. I think I should go now.

He gets up and leaves the police station. I watch him leave and he orbs away.

Captain: Henry who was that. Your nephew?

Henry: no, why would you say that.

Captain: because he called you uncle. No personal time during business hours.

Henry: sorry. It won't happen again.

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