69. "Prepare."

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Piper's POV

There were about a dozen more kids that showed up at the house trick or treating before things finally died down. It was 8 p.m. now and Phoebe should be arriving back with the boys any minute. Leo and I are in the living room.

Piper: once Phoebe gets back I'll have to talk to her about this note.

Leo: I'm still trying to figure out what prepare means.

Piper: prepare means prepare.

Leo: for what though?

Piper: I don't know. Maybe this is like a clue thing where I'll keep getting notes until it makes a sentence.

Leo: I doubt that. Also there's a period after prepare so I think the sentence is done.

Piper: fine.

Just then we heard the door open and I heard Phoebe's voice.

Phoebe: okay, get inside boys.

I walked to the front door.

Wyatt: mommy look.

He showed me his full bag of candy.

Piper: wow. That's a lot of candy.

I looked at Phoebe.

Piper: a lot of candy.

Phoebe: well we had to hit up every house that we could, right boys.

Wyatt and Chris: yeah!

Piper: okay, why don't you take your candy to your rooms and I'll be up in a minute.

Wyatt and Chris ran by me, obviously hyped up on sugar.

Piper: great, getting them to bed will be fun tonight.

Phoebe: it's Halloween let them have some fun.

Piper: anyway, I have to talk to you about something that happened tonight.

Phoebe: what?

Phoebe closed the manor door and we walked into the living room.

Piper: some man showed up and magically handed me a note and then disappeared.

Phoebe put Prudence down in the play pen.

Phoebe: what note?

Leo handed me the note and I handed it to Phoebe. She looked at it.

Phoebe: "Prepare." For what?

Piper: I don't know.

Phoebe: was he a demon?

Piper: I don't know that either?

Phoebe: is there anything you do know?

Piper: no, actually. I just thought I'd tell you and Paige then we can start preparing for anything big that might happen.

Phoebe: let's brainstorm ideas. What could it be. It being the event that we have to prepare for.

Piper: okay, I was thinking an attack of some sort.

Phoebe: or the coming of a new threat.

Leo: or a new visitor, like a demon.

Phoebe: how do we know the note is bad? Maybe it's not from a demon. Maybe it's saying prepare for a peaceful future.

Piper: the man who gave it to me was wearing a creepy mask, I don't think it was meant to be peaceful.

Phoebe: Piper, it's Halloween, everything is creepy.

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