56. What is going on!?

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Piper's POV

I knocked on Melinda's door. Technically my door.

Piper: can I come in? I want to talk.

Melinda opened the door.

Melinda: sure. Come in.

I went and sat on my bed. Melinda closed the door.

Piper: I know he was special to you but you barely knew him.

Melinda: I know, but I felt something.

Piper: I thought I felt that with a few guys but then I met your dad and the real spark was there.

Melinda: I don't get it.

Piper: what I'm saying is, you'll feel something for a lot of guys, but you when you meet the right guy, you'll feel the real thing. Mark wasn't the right guy, you'll find the right guy some day. Perhaps even a guy from your time. (Smiles)

Melinda: (smiles) I guess. Thanks for talking to me. Those few sentences were enough.

Piper: no problem.

I hugged her and we both went into the hall.

Chris: so? How'd it go?

Melinda: good. I'm feeling better. I'm not in one piece yet but I'll get there.

Wyatt: that's good.

Piper: now that that's settled, I'm going to check on baby Melinda. Melinda you want to come?

Melinda: yeah.

We walked down the hall and into little Melinda's room.

Chris's POV

Chris: I'm glad Melinda is feeling better. I know how it feels to lose someone special.

Wyatt: It was a different timeline, it wasn't me.

Chris: I know. Sorry.

Wyatt: besides Bianca is great. Do you think she has a sister?

Chris: funny. No.

Wyatt: worth a try.

We saw orbs and dad appeared. He looked worried. In this house when you look worried, it's probably nothing.

Wyatt: what's wrong?

Leo: there has been a shift in the weather patterns.

Wyatt: (sarcasm) oh boy.

Leo: you don't understand. This is bad for us.

Chris: why? It's San Fransisco, it's always beautiful here.

Leo: not when a supernatural force is behind the weather.

Wyatt: again. Seriously, the supernatural need to stop messing with the weather.

Chris: what is it this time? Another storm? A tidal wave?

Wyatt: cats and dogs?

I looked at Wyatt.

Chris: what?

Wyatt: raining cats and dogs?

Leo: no, it's none of those.

Wyatt: what is it?

Leo: snow.

Chris: snow! In San Fransisco? In May?

Leo: I know. It's different. I don't know what or who caused it but I know it's supernatural.

Wyatt: obviously. Snow in May in San Fransisco?

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