41. Sibling talks

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Two months later

Paige's POV

These last two months have been good and bad. They have been good because there had only been 3 demon attacks. A new record, but bad because both Piper and Phoebe are getting big and they won't stop annoying me. Hormones.

Phoebe: Paige!

Paige: what is it now!?

Phoebe: can you help me?

I walk into her room.

Paige: with what?

Phoebe: zip me up.

Paige: fine

I zip her up.

Phoebe: thanks.

She walks out of the room.

Paige: you know Phoebe, you still have three months left to go, I shouldn't have to do things like that for you until the last month.

Phoebe wake back in the room.

Phoebe: I thought you just wanted to be helpful.

Paige: I do but these last two months have been annoying for me. You and Piper won't stop constantly asking me to do stuff for you, and yes I'm your sister and I'll help you anyway you need it but, maybe I could help you with pregnancy stuff when your on your last month.

Phoebe: your right, we have been a little irritating. I'm sorry, I won't ask for help unless I really need it.

Paige: thank you. Piper!

Piper comes into Phoebe's room.

Piper: yes?

Paige: like I told Phoebe, I think I should hold off helping you with pregnancy stuff until your last month.

Piper: why?

Paige: (groans) I'll explain it again.

I explained the whole story, again.

Chris' POV

Wyatt and I are downstairs making a salad for dinner. Mom told us to make it while she went upstairs.

Chris: can you believe it. Soon we'll have two new babies in the house.

Wyatt: I guess. They aren't new to us though. We know both of them, they are both in their 20s, with lives of their own.

Chris: I know but wouldn't it be cool to see Mel as a baby.

Wyatt: sure but I saw her as a baby before. When I was four.

Chris: oh right, I did too, I just don't remember. I was only three.

Wyatt: pass me the carrots.

I passed him the carrots.

Wyatt: thanks.

Chris: so, uh, what's been getting you down lately?

Wyatt: what are you talking about?

Chris: well, for the last two months you haven't really been acting like yourself, the usually Wyatt.

Wyatt: I'm fine.

Chris: no your not. Come on, I'm your brother, talk to me. Please.

Wyatt: fine, it's just....I'm a little home sick.

Chris: oh, uh, yeah, me too. Wyatt, you can go back home anytime you want, why did you wait so long.

Wyatt: I don't know, I thought me not complaining about stuff would help around here.

Chris: Wyatt you can always talk to me. I know what you're going through. I'm going through the same thing.

Wyatt: thanks

He leaves the room.

Chris: that's not what's bothering him. He may be homesick but I know that's not the whole story.

I left the kitchen to figure out what's going on with my brother.

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