26. Party crashers

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Chris's POV

We have no idea where Barbas is. We know he's on Earth but with the whole mob of people down there, we can't even look.

Wyatt: we need to get down there without getting attacked.

Melinda: right, although, it kind of felt like I was famous. We were being chased by people.

Chris: right but those people weren't fans, they were the opposite of fans.

Melinda: well, whatever.

Wyatt: ok guys think. We need to find Barbas, but how?

Chris: maybe an invisibility spell.

Melinda: yeah that could work. And Barbas wouldn't be able to see us either which would give us a huge advantage when trying to vanquish him.

Chris: yeah. I just want to know how he isn't vanquished yet. I thought mom, Phoebe, and Paige vanquished him in the past.

Wyatt: that's it.

Melinda: what's it?

Wyatt: the past. Barbas came from the past. That's the only way he isn't vanquished yet.

Chris: but why did he come to this year?

Wyatt: maybe he wanted to kill me or Chris. Or maybe he knew about the future Power of Three and wanted to kill us before we could do any good.

Melinda: that does explain why he turned the world against us.

Chris: yeah. Ok, the invisibility spell first, then we'll go find Barbas.

We worked on the spell for awhile. We wanted to make sure it was perfect. We tried it out and it worked perfectly. Now we are on Earh looking for Barbas.

Melinda: he. Is suppose to be here.

Chris: yeah, so where is he?

Melinda: I don't know. Are you sure we are invisible. (She said looking at Wyatt)

Wyatt: yep. Look in that mirror.

We are in an alley again, and there is broken furniture all around us. We went and looked in the mirror. He was right. We couldn't see ourselves. We were invisible.

Melinda: ok, yep, we're invisible.

Chris: shh, do you guys hear that.

There was this faint noise of someone talking. We turned the corner and saw Barbas. Talking to himself. We couldn't hear what he was saying but I knew it was something bad.

Chris: (whispers) there he is.

Melinda: (whispers) what's he saying?

Wyatt: (whispers) I don't know. Nothing good.

Chris: (whispers) let's get him.

We walked towards him, but all of a sudden he turned around, and looked at us, like he saw us.

Barbas: ah, Wyatt, Chris, Melinda, nice of you to come.

How did he know we were here?

Barbas: you don't have to pretend you aren't there.

He waved his hand in front of him and I'm guessing he was removing our invisibility cloak.

Barbas: ah, there you are.

Wyatt: Barbas, I'm going to give you one more chance to turn this world back.

Barbas: or what?

Melinda: we'll vanquish you.

Barbas: but I can't be vanquished.

Chris: yes you can. We know you can. You seemed all nervous earlier when we said we are more powerful.

Barbas: ok, fine, I can be vanquished. But what are going to do about it.

Melinda: is that a trick question? We're going to vanquish you.

Barbas: no your not.

He moved his hand in front of a wall and ran through it.

Wyatt: come one guys. Let's go! (He motioned for us to follow him)

We followed him through the portal.



Phoebe's POV

We were enjoying the nice meal Piper made. And surprisingly Cole is behaving. I don't know how he always seems to show up when we are celebrating or having a party. Just then we saw a portal open right by the table and we heard shouting.

Piper: what the?

Paige: watch out!

We all ducked underneath the table.

Chris: ahhhhh

Wyatt: whoooooooa

Melinda: watch ooooooout!!!!

We all came up from underneath the table and saw Chris, Melinda and Wyatt lying on the table, and our food.

Piper: what the heck are you guys doing!?

Wyatt: sorry (he licked some food off his shirt) this is good.

Piper: aw, thanks. It took me two ho-

Phoebe: hey!

They all looked at me.

Phoebe: what are you doing here?

Melinda: oh yeah. Where's Barbas?

Piper: Barbas? What?

Chris: didn't he come through the portal?

Paige: we don't know. We were all under the table.

Wyatt: well, we have to find him because now he's in the wrong time. I think.

Piper: what's going on here?

Chris: Barbas turned our world. He made good bad and bad good. He some how opened a portal here.

Melinda: right. And now he's in this time and he's not supposed to be but we know he is from the past because you guys vanquished him.

Paige: right.

Phoebe: where do you think he went?

Cole: I'll know.

Phoebe: what?

Cole: in the underworld. If he went down there I can sense him. And he's not in the underworld because one of you white lighters would of sensed him, right?

Chris: yeah and we can't sense him so, he must be in the underworld.

Cole: see you need me.

Piper: fine, you can help.

Cole: thank you. (Shimmers out)

Phoebe: do you trust him?

Piper: we have to.

Chris: well, what did I miss?

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