32. Reunions Part 3

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Phoebe's POV

The first thing I see when I walk in the door to the manor is Andy. Our supposedly dead friend from 8 years ago. We are all heading to the attic to see if there is something that can help or explain this situation.

Phoebe: so wait, Dan came back too.

Piper: yep. I don't get it. Why is every person we ever knew coming back into our lives.

Paige: come on. Not every person. Just two.

Just then the door bell rang and we all looked out the window from the attic. There standing on our front porch were about 20 people, all of which we knew from the past. Dead or alive.

Piper: ok what's going on.

Phoebe: Paige look. It's your parents.

Chris: yeah and your grams and mom.

Piper: ok this is weird.

Phoebe: Piper aren't those two people the ghost "friends" of Leo's. You know, from the war.

Piper: oh great, yes they are. We vanquished them though.

Chris: well apparently they're back.

Melinda: what's going on?

Piper: Paige, and Phoebe stay here and help me find a spell. Chris Wyatt and Melinda go down there and contain those people.

Wyatt: let go

They orbed down there.

Piper: ok let's see what we can find.

Chris's POV

I opened the door and people started pushing and shouting to talk to us.

Melinda: I feel famous.

Wyatt: yeah well don't feel famous. We need to fix this problem. I'm pretty sure we made it.

Chris: hey! Everyone! Hey!

It was no use, no one was hearing me over the shouting.

Chris: hey!

Melinda: (whistles very loudly)

Wow. Everyone shut up.

Chris: thanks. That's more like it! Now can you tell me why your hear!

Everyone started talking at once. Great.

Melinda: (whistles) hey! One at a time!

Chris: right! Umm, Grams, you first.

Grams: thank you Chris. Well, I was just enjoying my, uh, life kind of, when all of a sudden poof! I'm down on Earth in front of the house with all these other people.

Patty: excuse me, other people?

Grams: sorry, and Patty of course.

Patty: thank you

Chris: so you're all saying you just popped up here, with no idea why!?

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