40. Caught

432 21 2

Piper's POV

We are about to send Prudence home to the future but just as we were about to we heard talking in the hallway.

Piper: Paige? What's going on?

Paige runs in the attic.

Paige: The officer has come upstairs and is trying to get past us, he said he's suspicious about us. Piper you need to freeze him!

Piper: ok uh, say the spell to send her back, I'll be right back.

Phoebe, Wyatt, Chris and Melinda start saying the spell. Paige and I start heading for the door leading out of the attic but the officer walked in. I stopped dead in my tracks. They stopped saying the spell and looked at the officer. It was silent in the room, except for the wind howling outside and the rain beating at the windows.

Piper: uh officer? Wh- What are you doing here!?

Henry: sorry I couldn't stop him.

Henry came in from behind the cop, a little out of breath.

Paige: what happened?

Henry: he attacked me.

Paige: (looking at the cop) why you little son of a-

Piper: Paige!

Paige: gun! I was going to say gun!

Piper: sure. Officer, I told you to stay downstairs.

The nervousness in my voice was coming out. He has found out about magic.

Phoebe: say something! Don't just stand there looking confused!

Officer: I, uh, was looking for the bathroom!

Piper: cut the crap. Why did you come up here?

Officer: alright, if you must know, I have been watching your family for months, and what I've found out is... (he looks around) you guys aren't normal.

Chris: but is anyone really normal?

Wyatt: yeah and is anyone really anyone?

Chris gave Wyatt a confused look.

Wyatt: I'll just shut up now.

Melinda: good idea.

Officer: what I mean is, I've had suspicions that your family was into witch craft.

Piper: uh, that's ridiculous.

Officer: fine answer this question, were they (points toward Phoebe, Wyatt, Chris, Melinda and Prudence) or were they not just chanting.

Prudence: first of all it was a spell not a chant and second of all what chant!?

Officer: see. I'm going to have to take you in. I've got you guys on tape admitting witch craft.

Piper: hold on witch craft isn't illegal. We are free to express ourselves any way we want.

Chris: first amendment!

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