59. 2007!

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-Present 2007-

Phoebe's POV

Paige is getting settled with a nurse's help. Henry still hasn't arrived. They don't live that far from the hospital, come on. I went through labor already myself I don't need to watch Paige go through it too. Piper came over to me.

Piper: hey. So how's Paige doing?

Phoebe: she's good, I think. They are getting her dressed in a hospital robe.

Piper: ok.

Phoebe: so Henry hasn't arrived yet.

Piper: nope.

We stood there silent for a little bit.

Phoebe: did we just make small talk?

Piper: yep.

Phoebe: let's never do that again.

Piper: agreed. ..... Wait we just did it again.

Phoebe: ugh.

Piper laughed. Then Leo came running down the hall with Henry.

Piper: thank goodness. Where have you been?

Henry: sorry there was a lot of traffic. How is she?

Phoebe: she's good. She's getting dressed.

Piper: yeah. Just wait out here until the nurse comes.

Henry: ok.

Leo: so are you excited to be a father?

Henry: to be honest, I'm nervous. I mean it's twins. Two of them.

Piper: I know it can be nerve racking but hey, in the future you'll have two precious baby girls to care for and love.

Phoebe: awe, that's so sweet Piper.

Piper: thanks.

Henry: it actually helped.

The nurse came out.

Nurse: oh are you the father?

She motioned towards Henry.

Henry: yes I am.

Nurse: you can come back with me now.

Henry: see you later guys.

Henry and the nurse went into Paige's waiting room.

Leo: let's go back to the waiting room.

We walked down the hall into the waiting room.

-Future 2029-

Chris's POV

We are all sitting in the living room watching the twins open their presents.

Kat: awe, I love it.

She got this scarf which in my opinion just looks like a whole bunch of string.

Tam: oh my gosh! This is the best present ever. Thanks Melinda.

They hugged. It was this diamond necklace. I'm pretty sure it was fake.

Melinda: hey, Chris. It's the thought that counts.

Prudence: what did he say? I mean think?

Melinda: he said, I mean thought, it was fake. And it is but I can't afford a real one.

Tam: I don't care. I love it.

Kat: I think that's all the presents.

Tam: wait! Where's Henry?

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