74. The Final Battle Part 5

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April 30, 2009

Piper's POV

Yesterday Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda got their powers back. They then made unbinding potions for the rest of us. It took some time, but we finally made a plan that we all agree on. We know Naz is planning to resurrect the source. The question is: where is he resurrecting the source? The plan, once we find the correct location, is to have Cole be the distraction. He volunteered to help and we took the opportunity. Leo, Coop, Henry, and Henry Jr. are going to stay at the manor, waiting for any signs of a struggle from us. My sisters, our future kids, and I will orb to the resurrection location and take out Naz using the two Power of Threes and our other magical abilities. Right now we are in the attic, trying to think of any way to find the location of the source's resurrection.

Melinda: there is no way for us to know where he is going to be resurrected.

Phoebe: Cole, are you sure you haven't heard anything?

Cole: no. They are really tight lipped about where this stuff takes place. Besides, some demons know I'm not fully on their side and they've decided to leave me out of many demon conversations.

Piper: well, I'm glad you're here.

Cole: (gasps) did you just say something nice to me?

He put a hand to his chest dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

Piper: don't get used to it.

Chris: this is completely useless. We are just standing around here doing nothing. Who knows, the source might already be resurrected.

Leo: I don't think so. The source needs a lot of power to be resurrected. Since Naz couldn't get you three, or six, he has to find another way. That may take some time.

Paige: let's just hope so.

The doorbell rang. Leo looked out the attic window.

Leo: uh, Piper. What kind of mask was that man wearing on Halloween?

Piper: a creepy one. It was black, and had ...

Leo: red marks?

Piper: how did you ...?

Leo: he's on our front porch right now.

All of us headed over to the window to look.

Piper: I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

I turn to leave.

Leo: why?

Piper: he obviously knows about Naz's plan. He must be working for Naz or at least has information about it.

I leave the attic and walk downstairs, followed by everyone. I open the door.

Piper: what now? Another note? Why don't you just save us the time and leave?

The man lifted his hands to his mask and slowly took it off. Who was underneath it shocked us.

Melinda: Mark!? How ...?

Chris: oh heck no! Let me at him.

Chris started to push through the crowd but Leo stopped him.

Piper: Mark? I don't know how you're here right now but please get away from my family.

Mark: please, let me explain.

Wyatt: no. You've done enough damage, we don't need your lame explanations.

Mark: please, I'm begging you.

Melinda: let him explain.

We all turned to Melinda.

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