45. Unbinding powers

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Piper's POV

Wyatt just finished telling us what was bothering him and we left Wyatt and Chris alone in the living room to talk. Phoebe and I are in the kitchen.

Phoebe: that's weird that Wyatt had memories of another life.

Piper: yeah, but our family is weird so it works.

Phoebe: (smiles) true

Wyatt and Chris come into the kitchen. Chris' arm is wrapped around Wyatt's shoulders.

Piper: (smiles) nice to see you guys made up.

Chris: yeah.

Wyatt: I could never stay mad at Chris for long.

He high fives Chris.

Phoebe: to much sweetness

I slap Phoebe playfully and Phoebe laughs.

Little Chris starts fussing in the play pen.

Piper: guess it's time for somebody's nap.

Wyatt: Chris was alreay such a whiner.

Chris: watch it Wyatt.

Wyatt: (smiles) I'm kidding. (Quietly) kind of

Phoebe's POV

Piper goes to the play pen and picks up little Chris and leaves the kitchen.

Phoebe: so what are you two going to do today?

Chris: no idea, honestly I'm just waiting for a demon attack or something.

Wyatt: yeah. We really don't know how to do anything else.

Phoebe: yeah, I understand that.

We heard a crash from outside the kitchen.

Chris: what the-

We go into the dining area and see Paige fighting dark lighter by the front door.

Chris: Paige!

An arrow was coming for Paige but she orbed out of the way just in time. The dark lighter noticed us and shot an arrow towards Wyatt and Chris. They tried to orb away.

Chris: wait, our powers, they're gone.

Phoebe: out of the way!

I pushed both of them out of the way and we all landed in the ground.

Paige: Piper!

Piper came running down the stairs and blew up the dark lighter.

Piper: is everyone ok?

Wyatt, Chris and I get up off the floor.

Phoebe: yeah, uh Piper?

Piper: yeah?

Phoebe: Wyatt and Chris need their powers back.

Wyatt and Chris nod their heads.

Piper: oh right, after Wyatt told his story, I forgot about it. Paige want to help me with the unbinding potion?

Paige: sure.

The left to go up stairs.

Phoebe: let's clean up here.

Paige's POV

Piper and I are in the attic.

Piper: we need these ingredients.

She hands me a piece of paper with a list of ingredients.

Paige: you want me to orb to get them?

Piper: please.

Paige: ok, I'll be right back.

I orbed to the store where we get all our special potion ingredients.

Man: hi, can I help you?

Paige: yes, can I get these ingredients.

I hand him the list.

Man: sure, interesting soup your making.

Paige: yeah, soup, sure.

While he was gathering the ingredients I look around the store a little bit for anything else we may need in the future.

Man: here you go, everything you wanted.

Paige: thank you.

Man: that will be $10.50.

I pulled some money out of my pocket.

Paige: here you go. Keep the change.

Man: thanks, have a nice day.

I left the store and orbed home.

I arrived in the attic and Piper was ready for the ingredients.

Piper: good, you got them.

Paige: here you go.

I handed her the bag of ingredients and she started putting them in the pot.

Paige: Piper, why do you think the dark lighter attacked?

Piper: I don't know. After we give Chris and Wyatt back their powers, we need to find that out.

Paige: he was probably working for some higher power.

Piper: maybe

The potion blew up.

Piper: it's ready.

We stopped by Chris' room and picked him up.

We walked downstairs and saw Chris, Wyatt and Phoebe cleaning up.

Piper: Here's the potion. Go get little Wyatt. He and Chris need to take it since we gave it to them.

Phoebe went to the kitchen and came back with Wyatt. Piper helped Chris drink some and then Phoebe helped Wyatt. Chris orbed and so did Wyatt.

Chris: my powers are back!

Wyatt: mine too!

Wyatt and Chris: yes!

Piper: I'll go bring Chris back up for a nap.

She took Chris and went upstairs.

Paige: let's go figure out why that dark lighter attack.

We all went upstairs to the attic.

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